On 18.12.2008, at 16:58, Christiaan Hofman wrote:

On 18 Dec 2008, at 4:43 PM, Conan C. Albrecht wrote:

Thanks for the bug report and suggestions.  I'll work on them.

I'd acutally like to mimic BibDesk's template engine (assuming I can
access it) within the program so users can customize the different
formats for citations.

I'm not completely sure what you mean by this. You can use the
template engine through applescript/appscript with the various
commands, as you do. You can also get a list of all registered
templates and use those.

Since no one has answered my question, I'll repeat here: Any reason not to integrate this kind of functionality directly into BibDesk? And if this isn't possible, directly accessing the registered templates certainly seems like a good idea.


Simon Spiegel
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