There may be some use to multiple commands, I am not saying there isn't. But is it really worth the added complexity leading to more confusion and annoyance of through the need to provide separate templates for all of them? I certainly don't think so, and it's also goes against Apple's MacOSX design, which makes an important point of presenting things as simple as possible.

Just to emphasize why templates are important for this: I use in-text citations which are relatively simple. But there are fields where you need to have a complete bibliographic entry in a footnote for the first citation. I really don't see how you can take care of these different needs without templates.

As for the OSX guidelines: The problem is that this is a highly complex matter. It's not a coincidence that almost no system exists which can handle more advanced citation styles. The whole subject is inherently complex. And look at BibDesk: As soon as you want to do more sophisticated things with BibDesk's templates you can't do that in the template editor anymore but have to edit the templates by hand which is already very not Mac-like (this is not meant as a criticism, I think this two-way approach is very good).

So I think the real task is to provide a system which is usable for the not so sophisticated user more or less out of the box but still gives the more advanced user the possibilty to do more (which is actually exactly what you have done by providing a graphical template editor and the possibilty to edit templates by hand). This would probably also mean distributing BibDesk with some out-of-the-box templates.

The in-text citations could be done in a similar way: For one, you don't have to do split this up in several templates. At the monent, Conan's tool only works with all-in-one-file templates anyway, so you could stick the citation templates in there as well. Then you could define default a template for the different commands, so that a user who doesn't want to bother with this, can work away, but anyone with more advanced needs can edit the citation styles.


Simon Spiegel
Steinhaldenstr. 50
8002 Zürich

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