I have been thinking about how to do this, since the original post. My  
publications page is indeed generated using the BibDesk export  
templating system.

Each publication is marked up like this:

<li class="Pub" id="<$citeKey/>">
        <br />
         <span class="Author">< 
span><br />
        <span class="Pages"><$fields.Pages/></span>&nbsp;
        (<span class="Date"><$fields.Year/></span>)&nbsp;
        <span class="url"><a href="http://dx.doi.org/<$fields.Doi/>">< 
        <span class="Citations"><$fields.Citations/> Citations</span>

I then use CSS to format the entries. I also played around with having  
a fuller reference, including the abstract pop up when the entry was  
mousedover. If you wanted to make it searchable, this is helpful as  
each field has a corresponding name: Title, Journal, etc.

If you made each entry a separate <div>, instead of a <li>, you could  
then write some sort of script (php, or javascript?) that would either  
display or hide an entry according to some criterion, such as author  
name etc. That would give you more the database that you are looking  
for. I don't know how to do that though. Anyone?

One other point, however, is that my providing pdfs that your  
institution does not have online access to, you may be in breach of  
copyright. For this reason, I have used the DOI to generate a link to  
the journal pages for each of my papers.

James Owen

On 7 May 2009, at 06:45, Adam R. Maxwell wrote:

> On May 6, 2009, at 8:24 PM, Andrew M. C. Dawes wrote:
>> Somewhat off topic, but I'm curious if anyone knows of a solution or
>> service that would allow me to essentially serve my bibdesk (i.e.,
>> bibtex) database via the web. The goal is to make my collection of
>> papers and references (90% have a PDF associated with them) available
>> to my research students so they can browse/read/print as they need  
>> to.
> [...]
>> Ideally, I'd like something like a web interface to the bibtex file
>> that can also link to the PDF file.
> You could use BibDesk's Bonjour sharing if your students are on the  
> same network (and using BibDesk), and you might even be able to set  
> up file links to a server.
> Paul Ingraham has a web interface [1] which I believe is a php front  
> end to a BibTeX database.  James Owen has a page [2] that I think  
> was generated using BibDesk's templating system [3]; in fact, his  
> templates seem to be in an old post to macosx-tex [4].  Refbase [5]  
> might be another option, but would probably have more setup overhead.
> [1] http://SaveYourself.ca/bibliography.php
> [2] http://homepage.mac.com/jhgowen/research/publications.html
> [3] http://apps.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/bibdesk/index.php?title=Templates
> [4] http://www.tug.org/pipermail/macostex-archives/2006-May/ 
> 022437.html
> [5] http://www.refbase.net/index.php/Web_Reference_Database

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