Got this from another list - subject is "How to get respect - or at least road space - from motorists."

>Just got this off the NBDA list. Made me cry...from laughing. Might be a
>good interim tactic for those still working to pass 3' (or 5') passing laws.
>For those of you outside the Hub (Boston, Brookline, Cambridge,
>>Somerville), this was in the City Weekly yesterday. For the rest of
>>week it will be on the web, complete with a photo:
>>I thought that this is one of the best articles on cycling to have
>>appeared in the Globe. It also strongly supports MassBike's desire to
>>get government agencies to push the Share the Road message.
>>>From Hull to the Hancock
>>Trying to get a four-wheeler's respect, on a bike
>>By Joe Berkeley, 6/8/2003
>>As a commuter cyclist who frequently makes the bone-chilling ride
>>from Hull to the Back Bay, I do what I can to protect myself.
>>I purchased a headlight system with optional flashing taillight. A
>>neon-green jacket also increases my visibility.
>>However, I had a problem beyond visibility: How to be liked by
>>While most of my fellow travelers behave in a professional and
>>predictable manner, a minority do not. Some become enraged that I
>>occupy up to 18 inches on the far right side of the lane. Drivers of
>>trucks, commercial vans, SUVs -- even compact cars toting four to
>>five hormonally driven youths -- have all at one time or another
>>hollered at me, uttered oaths that couldn't be repeated in a family
>>newspaper, and questioned my sexual preferences with the enthusiasm
>>of a lynch mob.
>>I theorized that if I proved to this group of angry motorists that I
>>am not some freak clad in spandex, but a regular guy, just like them -
>>- someone who shares their pain, understands their challenges -- I
>>would extend my life expectancy. But how? Finding an American flag on
>>a roadside one day, I fastened it to my rear rack and started
>>pedaling madly. The theory of this experiment was ''You, Mr. Chevy
>>SUV driver, are an American, and I am an American. We have a lot in
>>common. From the mountains, to the prairies, to the oceans . . .''
>>The angry drivers were just as angry, just as nasty, just as likely
>>to question my patriotism. Down came the flag.
>>Having spent an enormous amount of time riding past vehicles that
>>later pass me on the commute, I have observed the following stickers
>>on the back windows of those most likely to yell at me:
>>''I am the NRA''
>>''Go Sox''
>>''Semper Fi''
>>Using my desktop publishing skills, I mocked up similar signs to fit
>>on the back of my bicycle. Before posting them, I showed them to a
>>noncyclist co-worker named Kevin.
>>We decided that the ''I am the NRA'' sign could lead to a shooting
>>incident. Mounting a shotgun rack on the back of my bicycle would add
>>an air of authenticity, but the added bulk would be problematic.
>>The Red Sox approach was also complex. When the Sox win, sure, I
>>could be given a bit more respect on the road. But what about when
>>the Sox lose a close one? One bad bounce and I could be driven off
>>the road. Until the Red Sox win a World Series, this idea was on the
>>back burner.
>>''Semper Fi'' appeared to be a strategically sound approach. Everyone
>>loves a Marine, so that's good. Marines know how to kill people who
>>mess with them, so I could inspire fear. However, what if a real
>>Marine saluted me in traffic? I would be a fraud. Back to the drawing
>>I knew I had a winner on my hands the second I penned it:
>>''Ex wife got car''
>>''Yeah,'' my co-worker Kevin said, nodding his approval. ''Pickup
>>truck guys are always mad at their wives.'' One Friday evening, I
>>tested my inspiration, affixing it to the back of my bicycle. Guess
>>what I got: an abundance of knowing smiles from my core audience --
>>angry men driving pickup trucks, hormonally enraged young men
>>traveling in packs while crammed into small cars, homophobic van
>>drivers, as well as petite women in gargantuan SUVs.
>>I got plenty of thumbs up, too. And nods of approval.
>>One morning, a plumber and his sidekick rolled by in a rusty pickup.
>>The sidekick rolled down a window, nodded sagely, and said, ''Yeah,
>>and I bet you're still paying the insurance.''
>>Other men have said, in family newspaper-speak, ''I have been
>>similarly imposed upon.'' And a few women have actually pulled over --
>> not to hit me, but to hit on me.
>>Most importantly, all of the drivers who can actually see where they
>>are going are giving me another inch of room on the road. You can't
>>ask for more than an inch.
>>Drivers who can't see where they're going, like those helming the
>>Grand Marquis Presidential editions or Cadillac Broughams, just keep
>>steaming along as if I didn't exist.
>>You do what you can in this world.
>>Joe Berkeley, a creative director at Hill, Holliday, always wears a
>>helmet while riding. He says his wife is not amused by the sign.
>>This story ran on page 1 of the Boston Globe's City Weekly section on
>Sue Knaup
>Executive Director
>Thunderhead Alliance
>P.O. Box 3309
>Prescott, AZ 86302
>The Thunderhead Alliance is a coalition of state and local bicycle advocacy
>organizations representing all cyclists and future cyclists.
>The Thunderhead Alliance seeks to strengthen, create and unite state,
>regional and local bicycle advocacy organizations.
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