On Wed, 2003-12-31 at 09:30, volve wrote:
> I created the following symlinks for daemontools:
> ln -s /etc/opt/bincimap/service/imap /service/imap
> ln -s /etc/opt/bincimap/service/imaps /service/imaps
> But ps waux | grep imap only yields:
> root     161   0.0  0.0    18068    312  ??  S    12:23PM   0:00.00
> supervise imap
> root     163   0.0  0.0    18068    312  ??  S    12:23PM   0:00.01
> supervise imaps
> And port 143 isn't responding... :(

Just to be sure, /etc/opt/bincimap/service/imap and imaps *do* exist,
right?  That seems, to me, to be an odd place for the files to end up,
but whatdoIknow?

AFAIK, you shouldn't see bincimap in ps unless somebody has connected to
the server and the server is active.  Daemontools is the thing to listen
on the port, it controls bincimap.  Unless, of course, Daemontools is
just totally different from inetd and xinetd.

Now, what exactly happens when you telnet to your port 143?  Do you get
any output at all?  What do the daemontools logfiles show?  I do assume
they log, right?

Have fun...


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