Hi, Gaurav--

On Feb 17, 2012, at 11:15 AM, Gaurav kansal wrote:
> I want to know how AKAMAI works????

They work well.  :-)

> May be this is not the right forum to ask but I am asking this here because 
> AKAMAI heavily depend on its HL-DNS and LL-DNS  AND these DNS Servers answer 
> the query based on some input it gets from BGP Routes.

They've got a fair amount of documentation publicly available describing their 
CDN network, pushing updates from origin to their Edge servers, Akamai'zed URL 
format, determining which Edge servers should be returned for a client request, 
based on geo location, network location, availability and throughput, failover, 
and so forth.


It's not completely off-topic, but you'd likely do better to ask them directly 
if you need more info.


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