On 4/3/2012 10:14 AM, Barry Margolin wrote:
In article<mailman.419.1333434497.63724.bind-us...@lists.isc.org>,
  Chuck Swiger<cswi...@mac.com>  wrote:
[ ... ]
Does the following help:


ns3.silverorange.com seems to be down, and the other two nameservers being

Since the log message is specifically about ns1, how could ns3's status
be relevant?

It wouldn't be, but you've already figured that out yourself.

listed aren't responding to TCP port 53.

Why would clementine be trying TCP?  His server appears to support
EDNS0, so it shouldn't need it.

I'm not saying this isn't a problem, but I don't think it would cause
this symptom.

If clementine sent a TCP query to what it believes was an authoritative nameserver, and got no response, that might explain the lame delegation warnings, regardless of whether a EDNS0 query via UDP works or not.

Yet your point here explains my initial response: there are times when solving a symptom is still useful, but it's generally more helpful to solve the root cause. Oh, it might not be the case that fixing ns3 and making sure that all of the nameservers work over both TCP and UDP port 53 will resolve the lame delegation messages, but I'd start with fixing things which are obviously broken first, and then recheck whether than fixes the delegation warning as well...


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