On 14 April 2014 17:02, Felix Rubio Dalmau <felixrubiodal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Maybe this is my problem: I have not created any zone file :s. The only files 
> I've created/modified are:
> I thought that when requesting fields that are not available in the local dns 
> server, such requests would be forwarded to the forwarders and its answers 
> cached :S. What should I do?

OK, so you're implementing a caching server, you didn't state that in
your original email.

So check your /etc/resolv.conf file and see where it is pointing to
for DNS, this is what the `host` command will use when querying for
DNS, it should be your new server that you have setup. You probably
also want to add the statement "forward only;" into your options
section as well, otherwise your caching server might still try to
query the Internet root if it didn't get a response from the servers
you are forwarding to.

Then use the `dig` command to look for the txt record e.g. dig host
txt - post back the full command and the response.

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