On Apr 11, 2018, at 3:09 PM, Rick Tillery <rtilleryw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I appear to have my NAT64+DN64 IPv6 -> IPv4 network configured correctly, as 
> I can access IPv4 only Internet sites, e.g. from my browser.  But some tools 
> don't seem to work the way I think they should.
> One example is nslookup.  If do nslookup ipv4.google.com, I get:
> $ nslookup ipv4.google.com
> Server:         2001:4:1f:98::2
> Address:        2001:4:1f:98::2#53
> Non-authoritative answer:
> ipv4.google.com canonical name = ipv4.l.google.com.
> Name:   ipv4.l.google.com
> Address:
> Shouldn't the address (last line) be an IPv6 address (prefixed IPv4 address, 
> created by NAT64, such as 64:ff9b::

Nope.  Whether your local system connects to IPv4 addresses via NAT64-formatted 
IPv6 addresses is unrelated to DNS lookups of A or AAAA records.  If you ask 
for an A record, you will get IPv4 address(es) back or 0 records, not an IPv6 

By the way, debugging DNS issues by using nslookup is difficult; try switching 
to dig and consider the results of running "dig -t a ipv4.l.google.com." and 
"dig -t aaaa ipv4.l.google.com."


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