On 3/13/2021 12:11 AM, Tony Finch wrote:
Marki <bind-us...@lists.roth.lu> wrote:
But if you need granular filtering, that could become a lot of views...
Yes, I think RPZ is really designed to be a ban hammer for dealing with
abuse, rather than a general-purpose access control mechanism. If you need
to get really fancy then you should look at dnsdist which can be
programmed in Lua.


Just posting this to give everyone my conclusions and how this turned out.

Standard DNS server software (not only Bind) does not provide for easy whitelist filtering, only blacklists seem to be "en vogue". Like trusting nearly everyone, except, oh well, what did they teach in security class? Never mind, we're currently rolling out dnsdist.

@Tony Your feedback has been very to the point, knowledgeable and fruitful. If you've got an Amazon wishlist (almost wrote whitelist lol) let me know :D
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