On 31/3/21, 8:00 am, "bind-users on behalf of John Thurston" 
<bind-users-boun...@lists.isc.org on behalf of john.thurs...@alaska.gov> wrote:

    On 3/30/2021 12:30 PM, Cuttler, Brian R (HEALTH) via bind-users wrote:
    > We are seeing a delay in the primary DNS server updating the secondary 
and would like to shorten that interval.

    Can you post the pertinent bits of your primary's and secondary's config
    for the zone?

    In the absence of that, I pose a few questions:

    How long is it taking now?
    What is your target interval?

    Do you have NOTIFY enabled on the primary?
    How large is the zone?
    If you look in the log, do you see XFRs queuing?
    How many secondaries are there?
    Do you have limits defined on the number of simultaneous transfers?

Additional question, do you have "notify-delay" defined?


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