
I have a problem with DHCP DDNS update to BIND 9 reverse PTR zone subnet that is owned by several organizations, so I can't get a direct DHCP DDNS update access with a key or with hostname.

I have been delegated domain name |192- from the upper level admins, and that appears to be immutable.|

|However, my subnet is, and DHCP only knows how to perform DDNS update to 186.198.193.in-addr.arpa. (See here: https://serverfault.com/questions/806875/how-to-tell-isc-dhcp-correct-zone-for-reverse-zone-ddns-update and here: https://lists.isc.org/mailman/htdig/dhcp-users/2006-August/001422.html ).

|(This setup is because we have DHCP addresses that are not over NAT, but /24 subnet is shared with other organizations, even under another Minstry.)|

|I want to have the effect of delegating the same database to upper level under their zone name, while updating the same database under my DHCP-understood zone name.|

|I tried this /etc/bind/named.conf.local:|

|zone "192-" in { type master; file "/var/cache/bind/192-"; }; zone "186.198.193.in-addr.arpa" in { type master; file "/var/cache/bind/192-"; allow-update { key DDNS_UPDATE; }; }; |

(Two zones with the same file.)

What I got was:

|root@domac:/etc/bind# named-checkconf /etc/bind/named.conf.local:49: writeable file '/var/cache/bind/192-': already in use: /etc/bind/named.conf.local:44 root@domac:/etc/bind# Can you please tell me is there a way to achieve the effect of the above (illegal) setup? I can't change DHCP nor I know an option to tell it to accept update to |||192-| (it is a syntax error). The DHCP dhcpd.conf subnet configuration is: |||subnet netmask { range; # MT 20211210 option subnet-mask; option domain-name-servers,; option domain-name "slava.alu.hr"; ddns-domainname "slava.alu.hr"; zone slava.alu.hr. { primary; key DDNS_UPDATE; } zone 186.198.193.in-addr.arpa. { primary; key DDNS_UPDATE; } option broadcast-address; option routers; default-lease-time 43200; max-lease-time 86400; } | Thank you very much for your time reading this mail and help. Kind regards, -- Mirsad Goran Todorovac Academy of Fine Arts | Faculty of Graphic Arts University of Zagreb |
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