When you say “ISC packages”, are you referring to the packages in the 
ppa:isc/bind repository on launchpad?

Ben Bridges

From: Ondřej Surý <ond...@isc.org>
Sent: Thursday, December 8, 2022 12:26 AM
To: Ben Bridges <bbrid...@springnet.net>
Cc: Emmanuel Fusté <manu.fu...@gmail.com>; bind-users@lists.isc.org
Subject: Re: Bind 9.16.1 crash

In fact, it’s as far from being “fully patched” as possible. Not all bugs are 
security bugs and not all crashes are security bugs.

Ubuntu is pushing a version that has received most refactoring in the 
networking code in the recent history.

The “we don’t update upstream version” policy works well only if you carefully 
pick upstream version. Instead this is snapshot of Debian at random point int 
time and this is the unfortunate result. I’ve negotiated the exception for 
Debian to carry the latest upstream release for a good reason.

You are going to do so much better by using ISC packages. And my general 
recommendation would be to go straight to latest 9.18.

Ondřej Surý — ISC (He/Him)

My working hours and your working hours may be different. Please do not feel 
obligated to reply outside your normal working hours.

On 8. 12. 2022, at 1:03, Ben Bridges <bbrid...@springnet.net> wrote:

According to the Ubuntu maintainers, the bind9 package on our server 
(1:9.16.1-0ubuntu2.11) is fully patched for all the BIND 9 CVE’s including the 
latest batch of 6 released on 2022-09-21 (CVE-2022-38178, CVE-2022-38177, 
CVE-2022-3080, CVE-2022-2906, CVE-2022-2881, and CVE-2022-2795).

From: Emmanuel Fusté <manu.fu...@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 7, 2022 4:22 PM
To: Ben Bridges <bbrid...@springnet.net>; bind-users@lists.isc.org
Subject: Re: Bind 9.16.1 crash

Current ESV : 9.16.35

No, your release is not patched.
Add the ISC PPA repo and install the latest ESV. ISC PPA packaged are packaged 
by the same maintainers.

Le mer. 7 déc. 2022, 23:02, Ben Bridges 
<bbrid...@springnet.net<mailto:bbrid...@springnet.net>> a écrit :
Ubuntu 20.04.5 is LTS and BIND 9.16 is the current stable ESV release, so 
they’re both still fully supported (and fully patched).

Ben Bridges

From: bind-users 
<bind-users-boun...@lists.isc.org<mailto:bind-users-boun...@lists.isc.org>> On 
Behalf Of John Thurston
Sent: Wednesday, December 7, 2022 2:32 PM
To: bind-users@lists.isc.org<mailto:bind-users@lists.isc.org>
Subject: Re: Bind 9.16.1 crash

To me, the next step is to get your instance of BIND somewhat up to date.

I'm not a "gotta be on the bleeding edge" kinda guy, but running a version 
released in first quarter of 2020 is old even by my standards. Is there some 
business reason to keep running a +2 year old version of BIND?


Do things because you should, not just because you can.

John Thurston    907-465-8591


Department of Administration

State of Alaska
On 12/7/2022 10:32 AM, Ben Bridges wrote:
The BIND version is 9.16.1 running on a fully patched Ubuntu 20.04.5 server.



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