On Sun, Nov 19, 2023 at 09:10:13PM +0000, Elmar K. Bins wrote:
! my freshly recrafted DNS servers got the latest BIND 9.18 pkg from FreeBSD.
! They're all supposed to only respond for a certain set of zones to the 
! but should be able to be used as a resolver from localhost.
! The pkg comes with a default config that slaves "." and its cousins instead
! of pushing a static hints file. I like this.

Me too. :)

! Unfortunately, the config just has them as slave zones, without a "hint"
! marking. Anybody can query the box for them. I don't like this.

It's tricky. One problem is these are slave zones, they are
authoritative and do not work well with DNSSEC. 

So I crafted something that does apparently work...

view "rootslave" {
        match-clients {; };
        allow-query-cache { none; };    // von ARM example
        allow-recursion { none; };
        recursion no;
        zone "." {
                type slave;
                masters {
                        // the usual root servers...
        // etc.etc.

view "intraslave" {
        match-clients {; key "slave2."; };
        allow-query-cache { none; };    // von ARM example
        allow-recursion { none; };
        recursion no;

        zone "example.com" {  // internal version of my public domain
                              // looks a little different than public version
                 type slave;  // comes from hidden primary
                 // etc.etc.
        zone "intranet.example.com" {  // my lan domain
                 type slave;

        // etc. etc.

// The outside authoritative stuff - but not yet serving it from here!
view "extraslave" {
        match-clients { key "slave2a."; }; // slave2a. is for notify
                                           // from hidden primary
        allow-query-cache { none; };    // von ARM example
        allow-recursion { none; };
        recursion no;

        zone "example.com" {     // These are the zones I'm autoritative for
                type slave;      // fetched from hidden primary

                // this must be placed here, and NOT in this view!
                allow-query { any; };
        // etc.etc.

// Now wiring it all together:

view "guest" {
        // for local machines that can use my internet but are NOT
        // allowed into my lan (currently none exist)
        match-clients { none; };

        // bring the root stuff in
        zone "." {
                type static-stub;
                server-addresses {; } ;
        zone "arpa" {
                type static-stub;
                server-addresses {; } ;
        // etc.etc.

        // include localhost and empty zones
        include "/usr/local/etc/namedb/named.localempty.conf";
        include "/usr/local/etc/namedb/named.localempty-e.conf";

// Serving the Intra-net:
view "intra" {
        dnstap { all; };

        match-clients {;
                        // etc.etc. - all the locally used IP

        // bring the root stuff in
        zone "." {
                in-view "guest";
        zone "arpa" {
                in-view "guest";
        // etc.etc.

        zone "example.com" {    // internal view of public domain!
                type static-stub;
                server-addresses {; } ;

        // lan domain
        zone "intranet.example.com" {
                type static-stub;
                server-addresses {; } ;
        // etc.etc.

        // localhost and empty zones
        include "/usr/local/etc/namedb/named.localempty.conf";

// And finally outbound authoritative, i.e. the stuff for all internet
view "external" {
        match-clients { any; } ;
        allow-query-cache { none; }; # von ARM example
        allow-recursion { none; };
        recursion no;

        zone "example.com" {
                in-view "extraslave";
        // etc.etc.

        // here we must NOT refer to the slave rootzones! 
        // (not sure if this is needed at all)
        zone "." {
                type hint;
                file "/usr/local/etc/namedb/named.root";

        // localhost and empty zones (shouldn't harm)
        include "/usr/local/etc/namedb/named.localempty.conf";
        include "/usr/local/etc/namedb/named.localempty-e.conf";

! I've put the appropriate "allow-query { localhost; };" into every friggin'
! zone entryto every friggin' zone entry. I REALLY don't like this.
! I'm wondering whether there's a more elegant way. Like "secondary-hint" zones.
! Have I overlooked something?

Maybe. As You can see, it can be done, but it's a bit weird -
I got the fancy that I want to have all six-way in one running image. ;)
(Originally I just got bored of the SSH known-host files, and to get
rid of these you need DANE/SSHFP and proper DNSSEC.)

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