*PhD Position examining effects of ocean noise on fish and invertebrates*

We are seeking a student to begin a PhD in the Juanes lab (
juaneslab.weebly.com) at the University of Victoria (UVic) and in
collaboration with Corey Morris (Fisheries and Oceans Canada, St. John’s,
NL).  The student will be part of the Canadian Healthy Ocean Network
(CHONe), a large network of faculty and students across Canada addressing
issues in marine conservation and biodiversity, and developing strategies
for managing sustainable ocean use (chone2.ca, chonestudents.weebly.com).
Our specific project is focused on the effects of anthropogenic noise in
the ocean soundscape on fish and invertebrates. Methods will include
acoustic analysis of soundscape data, field and laboratory experiments.

Candidates should have completed a Masters degree in biology, physics,
oceanography or related discipline and have a solid academic standing,
excellent communication skills and a strong quantitative background.
Knowledge of underwater acoustics and facility with analyzing large
datasets will be an asset. Start date is September 2017. The student will
enroll in the PhD program in the Biology Department (
www.uvic.ca/science/biology) or the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences (
www.uvic.ca/science/seos) at the University of Victoria, Canada.  A
significant portion of the research will be conducted from the Northwest
Atlantic Fisheries Centre (NAFC), St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.

While at UVic the student will also be able to collaborate with a large
group of scientists focused on the relationships between marine organisms
and ship noise as part of a MEOPAR funded project (nemesproject.com) and
with scientists at Ocean Networks Canada (www.oceannetworks.ca) who operate
2 world-leading ocean observatories in British Columbia.

The position is fully funded for 3 years by CHONe. Additional sources of
funding are available thru the University of Victoria. The Juanes lab
comprises a large active group of postdocs, technicians and students
interested in various aspects of fisheries ecology and conservation. If you
are interested in joining the lab please send a cover letter, statement of
research goals and interests (max 2 pages), CV, unofficial transcripts, and
the names and contacts of three references to Dr. Francis Juanes at
jua...@uvic.ca by August 1, 2017.

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