Here is an example where the order changes between the GRanges object  
and the countBam data.frame

 > aa
GRanges with 5 ranges and 2 elementMetadata values
                      seqnames                 ranges strand |     tx_id
                         <Rle>              <IRanges>  <Rle> | <integer>
ENSMUSG00000000001.1     chr3 [107910199, 107949007]      - |      9523
ENSMUSG00000000003.2     chrX [ 75083240,  75098865]      - |     29303
ENSMUSG00000000028.4    chr16 [ 18780546,  18811724]      - |     43866
ENSMUSG00000000028.6    chr16 [ 18780546,  18812065]      - |     43865
ENSMUSG00000000028.7    chr16 [ 18807449,  18812080]      - |     43868
ENSMUSG00000000001.1 ENSMUST00000000001
ENSMUSG00000000003.2 ENSMUST00000000003
ENSMUSG00000000028.4 ENSMUST00000115586
ENSMUSG00000000028.6 ENSMUST00000000028
ENSMUSG00000000028.7 ENSMUST00000115585

 > countBam("bowtie_aligned.prefix.bam",param=ScanBamParam(which=aa))
   space     start       end width                      file records  
1  chr3 107910199 107949007 38809 bowtie_aligned.prefix.bam      
171        8550
2 chr16  18780546  18811724 31179 bowtie_aligned.prefix.bam       
16         800
3 chr16  18780546  18812065 31520 bowtie_aligned.prefix.bam       
17         850
4 chr16  18807449  18812080  4632 bowtie_aligned.prefix.bam        
2         100
5  chrX  75083240  75098865 15626 bowtie_aligned.prefix.bam        
0           0

It seems that all that is happening is GRanges is sorted by the  
seqnames column, but as I don't know the internals of the function I  
don't really want to just assume that.

Having the output of countBam be a GRanges instance seems to make more  
sense to me, but perhaps that would not be the case for other use cases.

On 20/04/2010, at 11:18 AM, Vincent Carey wrote:

> The leeBamViews package might serve as a moderately rich source of  
> use case details for clarifying concerns about current  
> infrastructure.  I can't get a clear example of your "problem" in  
> which the order of countBam output does not agree with ranges  
> input.  Specifically, with
> library(leeBamViews)
> example(tabulateReads) # written before countBam existed
> bs2 = bs1
> br2 = bamRanges(bs1)[c(2,1,3,4)]
> bamRanges(bs2) = br2
> countBam(bs2)[[1]]
> the order of the output ranges agrees with that of br2 (AFAICT).  It  
> is true that additional elementMetadata items that might be present  
> in the bamRanges component of the input (are you using that?) are  
> not propagated, and perhaps that should be remedied -- but it could  
> be a nuisance to propagate anything that is found there.
> In fact, I wonder whether the outputs of countBam should be a  
> data.frames, or GRanges instances?
> On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 8:30 PM, Matthew Young <>  
> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to use Rsamtools to bin reads into genes using the  
> countBam function.  I have a GRanges object which defines the range  
> of the annotation and has additional information in the  
> "elementMetadata" field, for example like this:
> > aa
> GRanges with 3 ranges and 2 elementMetadata values
>    seqnames               ranges strand |     tx_id            tx_name
>       <Rle>            <IRanges>  <Rle> | <integer>        <character>
> [1]    chr16 [18780546, 18811724]      - |     43866  
> ENSMUST00000115586
> [2]    chr16 [18780546, 18812065]      - |     43865  
> ENSMUST00000000028
> [3]    chr16 [18807449, 18812080]      - |     43868  
> ENSMUST00000115585
> I want to use the countBam function to count the number of reads  
> that occur within each annotation range, which I do with the  
> following:
> > countBam("bowtie_aligned.prefix.bam",param=ScanBamParam(which=aa))
>  space    start      end width                      file records  
> nucleotides
> 1 chr16 18780546 18811724 31179 bowtie_aligned.prefix.bam       
> 16         800
> 2 chr16 18780546 18812065 31520 bowtie_aligned.prefix.bam       
> 17         850
> 3 chr16 18807449 18812080  4632 bowtie_aligned.prefix.bam        
> 2         100
> My question is, is there a way to get the "elementMetadata" to come  
> along for the ride in the countBam output?  So there'd be another  
> two columns in the countBam output, "tx_id" and "tx_name".  The  
> problem is that the ranges do not always appear in the same order in  
> the GRanges input and the countBam output, so to recover this  
> information it is necessary to use match and pull information out of  
> the GRanges object, which while doable, is cumbersome.  Is there  
> some built in way to do this that I'm overlooking?
> Thanks,
> Matt
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