U.S. hit a stunning record in terms of solar PV installations in 2015


The U.S. solar industry has broken another record, adding 7.3 GW of new generating capacity in 2015, according to figures released by GTM Research and the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA).

The data unveiled on Monday, represent an increase of over 1 GW of solar photovoltaic installations compared to 2014. Photovoltaic technology is able to directly convert sunlight into electricity. Last year, solar provided 29.5 per cent of all new electric generating capacity in the US, delivering a year-on-year growth rate of 17 per cent. For the first time, solar beat out natural gas capacity additions in 2015. The residential solar segment surpassed expectations, growing 66% year over year, and for the first time ever overtook 2 GW.

Meanwhile, the utility-scale sector grew by six per cent, and represented more than half of all solar PV installations in 2015. The USA’s cumulative solar PV installations had exceeded 25 GW by the end of 2015 - more than twelve times installed capacity at the end of 2010 (2GW). The U.S. solar market was driven by California, North Carolina, Nevada, Massachusetts, and New York. The market continued to diversify geographically, with 13 states installing more than 100 MW each in 2015. Utah jumped in ranking from No. 23 state to No. 7, and Georgia moved from 16th to eighth place. The U.S is on the track to hit a renewables boom following Congress' approval in December 2015 of tax credits for wind and solar projects, providing investors with a relatively stable investment climate through to 2020.
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