Arizona biotech industry ahead of 10-year schedule

By Joe Pangburn, Inside Tucson Business
Posted: Friday, Dec 08, 2006 - 02:17:06 pm MST

Bioscience is taking root in the state, but how well it grows over the
next six years will make all the difference in deciding whether Arizona
will lead in the field, or just play follow-the-leader.

Speaking at the latest update of the 2002 Bioscience Roadmap, Walter
Plosila, Battelle vice president, said the plan they wrote continues to
point the way, and the state's government, industries and
educational institutions are keeping on the path it established.

He said Arizona's biotechnology industry is meeting and exceeding
expectations that were laid out four years ago in the Arizona Bioscience
Roadmap, a 10-year plan to boost the state as a national competitor in
the biosciences.

It was put together by the Battelle Technology Partnership Practice.

"Arizona is well on its way to achieving the 2007 midpoint goals set
back in 2002," Plosila said.

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