On 3/23/11 11:04 , Ondrej Zajicek wrote:
On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 03:13:06PM +0100, Mathias Wolkert wrote:

I have similar issues running bird 1.2.5 on vanilla debian lenny.

IPv4 wise I assign /32s to individual lo:x instances as service addresses.

These are showing up in bird.

IPv6 wise I cannot assign /128s to individual lo:x but to the "real"
loopback lo.

This works fine in quagga.

These are not showing up in bird.

If I look at the kernel table from shell with ip -6 route, the /128s are
shown as "unreachable" with error -101 but working fine with ping and so

How would I do this "right"?

On Linux, the simplest workaround (for OSPF problem) is just to add the
address to the dummy interface [*] instead of the loopback interface.

This looks promising.
Thanks a lot.

But you mentioned iBGP - in current stable version (1.2.5), iBGP
is significantly limited and should be used with one-hop,
directly reachable addresses. For proper iBGP, you should try git
version, or wait for 1.3.0 (which will be probably released 2011-04-01).

I'm not doing it (yet), it was more of an example where I'd use loopbacks/dummies.

Thanks for the heads up though.

[*] http://linax.wordpress.com/2009/09/12/linux-dummy-network-device/


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