The egret roost at Richmond Drive just west of Cornwall is on the rise. Two 
weeks ago we had 14-18 egrets on the roost. Last night Brian Morin and I 
counted 42 egrets. The first arrived at 7:25 PM and the last came in at 8:20 
PM. The roost is in plain view and it is a pleasure to watch them flutter 
around before they  perch. There are also other herons plus other birds on the 
marsh, green herons, black-crowned night herons, great blues, American bittern 
and sometimes a least bittern puts in an appearance. 
  To get to Richmond Drive, take Power Dam Dr. exit off the 401 coming from the 
west and follow it to the stoplight on highway #2 ( Vincent Massey DR.). Turn 
right.  There is no exit from the 401 on Power Dam Dr. from the east. You will 
have to exit at Brookdale, turn south, then turn right on Tollgate Rd.  and 
turn right again on Highway#2 (  Vincent Massey Dr..) 
Richmond Dr. is just west of Cornwall on Highway #2. About 3km(roughly) west of 
Power Dam Dr. you will come to Richmond Dr. on the north and Floral Dr. on the 
south. Go up Richmond Dr. and follow the left turn in the road. Straight ahead 
is the entry to a large marsh on the left side of the road. If you  cross the 
railway tracks you have gone too far.  There is an abandoned spur line that 
runs through the south end of the marsh. The main railway runs through the 
north side of the marsh. Do not walk by the side of the main rail line; it is 
illegal to walk on or near an active rail line. Park on the side of the road. 
The path leads out to the abandoned line. Follow it for some interesting 
birding. On your way in, on the south side of the marsh in the low lying dead 
trees is the egret roost. You can view it from the path but the best view is 
from the abandoned rail line. Good birding, Bob Scranton
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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