Hash: SHA512

Bitcoin Core version 0.14.0 is now available from:


Or from the torrent,


This is a new major version release, including new features, various bugfixes
and performance improvements, as well as updated translations.

Please report bugs using the issue tracker at github:


To receive security and update notifications, please subscribe to:



Bitcoin Core is extensively tested on multiple operating systems using
the Linux kernel, macOS 10.8+, and Windows Vista and later.

Microsoft ended support for Windows XP on [April 8th, 
No attempt is made to prevent installing or running the software on Windows XP, 
can still do so at your own risk but be aware that there are known 
instabilities and issues.
Please do not report issues about Windows XP to the issue tracker.

Bitcoin Core should also work on most other Unix-like systems but is not
frequently tested on them.

Notable changes

Performance Improvements
- --------------

Validation speed and network propagation performance have been greatly
improved, leading to much shorter sync and initial block download times.

- - The script signature cache has been reimplemented as a "cuckoo cache",
  allowing for more signatures to be cached and faster lookups.
- - Assumed-valid blocks have been introduced which allows script validation to
  be skipped for ancestors of known-good blocks, without changing the security
  model. See below for more details.
- - In some cases, compact blocks are now relayed before being fully validated 
  per BIP152.
- - P2P networking has been refactored with a focus on concurrency and
  throughput. Network operations are no longer bottlenecked by validation. As a
  result, block fetching is several times faster than previous releases in many
- - The UTXO cache now claims unused mempool memory. This speeds up initial 
  download as UTXO lookups are a major bottleneck there, and there is no use for
  the mempool at that stage.

Manual Pruning
- --------------

Bitcoin Core has supported automatically pruning the blockchain since 0.11. 
the blockchain allows for significant storage space savings as the vast 
majority of
the downloaded data can be discarded after processing so very little of it 
on the disk.

Manual block pruning can now be enabled by setting `-prune=1`. Once that is set,
the RPC command `pruneblockchain` can be used to prune the blockchain up to the
specified height or timestamp.

`getinfo` Deprecated
- --------------------

The `getinfo` RPC command has been deprecated. Each field in the RPC call
has been moved to another command's output with that command also giving
additional information that `getinfo` did not provide. The following table
shows where each field has been moved to:

|`getinfo` field   | Moved to                                  |
`"version"`        | `getnetworkinfo()["version"]`
`"protocolversion"`| `getnetworkinfo()["protocolversion"]`
`"walletversion"`  | `getwalletinfo()["walletversion"]`
`"balance"`        | `getwalletinfo()["balance"]`
`"blocks"`         | `getblockchaininfo()["blocks"]`
`"timeoffset"`     | `getnetworkinfo()["timeoffset"]`
`"connections"`    | `getnetworkinfo()["connections"]`
`"proxy"`          | `getnetworkinfo()["networks"][0]["proxy"]`
`"difficulty"`     | `getblockchaininfo()["difficulty"]`
`"testnet"`        | `getblockchaininfo()["chain"] == "test"`
`"keypoololdest"`  | `getwalletinfo()["keypoololdest"]`
`"keypoolsize"`    | `getwalletinfo()["keypoolsize"]`
`"unlocked_until"` | `getwalletinfo()["unlocked_until"]`
`"paytxfee"`       | `getwalletinfo()["paytxfee"]`
`"relayfee"`       | `getnetworkinfo()["relayfee"]`
`"errors"`         | `getnetworkinfo()["warnings"]`

ZMQ On Windows
- --------------

Previously the ZeroMQ notification system was unavailable on Windows
due to various issues with ZMQ. These have been fixed upstream and
now ZMQ can be used on Windows. Please see [this 
document](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/doc/zmq.md) for
help with using ZMQ in general.

Nested RPC Commands in Debug Console
- ------------------------------------

The ability to nest RPC commands has been added to the debug console. This
allows users to have the output of a command become the input to another
command without running the commands separately.

The nested RPC commands use bracket syntax (i.e. `getwalletinfo()`) and can
be nested (i.e. `getblock(getblockhash(1))`). Simple queries can be
done with square brackets where object values are accessed with either an 
array index or a non-quoted string (i.e. `listunspent()[0][txid]`). Both
commas and spaces can be used to separate parameters in both the bracket syntax
and normal RPC command syntax.

Network Activity Toggle
- -----------------------

A RPC command and GUI toggle have been added to enable or disable all p2p
network activity. The network status icon in the bottom right hand corner 
is now the GUI toggle. Clicking the icon will either enable or disable all
p2p network activity. If network activity is disabled, the icon will 
be grayed out with an X on top of it.

Additionally the `setnetworkactive` RPC command has been added which does
the same thing as the GUI icon. The command takes one boolean parameter,
`true` enables networking and `false` disables it.

Out-of-sync Modal Info Layer
- ----------------------------

When Bitcoin Core is out-of-sync on startup, a semi-transparent information
layer will be shown over top of the normal display. This layer contains
details about the current sync progress and estimates the amount of time
remaining to finish syncing. This layer can also be hidden and subsequently
unhidden by clicking on the progress bar at the bottom of the window.

Support for JSON-RPC Named Arguments
- ------------------------------------

Commands sent over the JSON-RPC interface and through the `bitcoin-cli` binary
can now use named arguments. This follows the [JSON-RPC 
for passing parameters by-name with an object.

`bitcoin-cli` has been updated to support this by parsing `name=value` arguments
when the `-named` option is given.

Some examples:

    src/bitcoin-cli -named help command="help"
    src/bitcoin-cli -named getblockhash height=0
    src/bitcoin-cli -named getblock 
    src/bitcoin-cli -named sendtoaddress address="(snip)" amount="1.0" 

The order of arguments doesn't matter in this case. Named arguments are also
useful to leave out arguments that should stay at their default value. The
rarely-used arguments `comment` and `comment_to` to `sendtoaddress`, for 
example, can
be left out. However, this is not yet implemented for many RPC calls, this is
expected to land in a later release.

The RPC server remains fully backwards compatible with positional arguments.

Opt into RBF When Sending
- -------------------------

A new startup option, `-walletrbf`, has been added to allow users to have all
transactions sent opt into RBF support. The default value for this option is
currently `false`, so transactions will not opt into RBF by default. The new
`bumpfee` RPC can be used to replace transactions that opt into RBF.

Sensitive Data Is No Longer Stored In Debug Console History
- -----------------------------------------------------------

The debug console maintains a history of previously entered commands that can be
accessed by pressing the Up-arrow key so that users can easily reuse previously
entered commands. Commands which have sensitive information such as passphrases 
private keys will now have a `(...)` in place of the parameters when accessed 
the history.

Retaining the Mempool Across Restarts
- -------------------------------------

The mempool will be saved to the data directory prior to shutdown
to a `mempool.dat` file. This file preserves the mempool so that when the node
restarts the mempool can be filled with transactions without waiting for new 
to be created. This will also preserve any changes made to a transaction through
commands such as `prioritisetransaction` so that those changes will not be lost.

Final Alert
- -----------

The Alert System was [disabled and 
deprecated](https://bitcoin.org/en/alert/2016-11-01-alert-retirement) in 
Bitcoin Core 0.12.1 and removed in 0.13.0. 
The Alert System was retired with a maximum sequence final alert which causes 
any nodes
supporting the Alert System to display a static hard-coded "Alert Key 
Compromised" message which also
prevents any other alerts from overriding it. This final alert is hard-coded 
into this release
so that all old nodes receive the final alert.

GUI Changes
- -----------

 - After resetting the options by clicking the `Reset Options` button 
   in the options dialog or with the `-resetguioptions` startup option, 
   the user will be prompted to choose the data directory again. This 
   is to ensure that custom data directories will be kept after the 
   option reset which clears the custom data directory set via the choose 
   datadir dialog.

 - Multiple peers can now be selected in the list of peers in the debug 
   window. This allows for users to ban or disconnect multiple peers 
   simultaneously instead of banning them one at a time.

 - An indicator has been added to the bottom right hand corner of the main
   window to indicate whether the wallet being used is a HD wallet. This
   icon will be grayed out with an X on top of it if the wallet is not a
   HD wallet.

Low-level RPC changes
- ----------------------

 - `importprunedfunds` only accepts two required arguments. Some versions accept
   an optional third arg, which was always ignored. Make sure to never pass more
   than two arguments.

 - The first boolean argument to `getaddednodeinfo` has been removed. This is 
   an incompatible change.

 - RPC command `getmininginfo` loses the "testnet" field in favor of the more
   generic "chain" (which has been present for years).

 - A new RPC command `preciousblock` has been added which marks a block as
   precious. A precious block will be treated as if it were received earlier
   than a competing block.

 - A new RPC command `importmulti` has been added which receives an array of 
   JSON objects representing the intention of importing a public key, a 
   private key, an address and script/p2sh

 - Use of `getrawtransaction` for retrieving confirmed transactions with unspent
   outputs has been deprecated. For now this will still work, but in the future
   it may change to only be able to retrieve information about transactions in
   the mempool or if `txindex` is enabled.

 - A new RPC command `getmemoryinfo` has been added which will return 
   about the memory usage of Bitcoin Core. This was added in conjunction with
   optimizations to memory management. See [Pull 
   for more information.

 - A new RPC command `bumpfee` has been added which allows replacing an
   unconfirmed wallet transaction that signaled RBF (see the `-walletrbf`
   startup option above) with a new transaction that pays a higher fee, and
   should be more likely to get confirmed quickly.

- -----------------

 - UTXO set query (`GET /rest/getutxos/<checkmempool>/<txid>-<n>/<txid>-<n>
   /.../<txid>-<n>.<bin|hex|json>`) responses were changed to return status 
   code `HTTP_BAD_REQUEST` (400) instead of `HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR` (500)
   when requests contain invalid parameters.

Minimum Fee Rate Policies
- -------------------------

Since the changes in 0.12 to automatically limit the size of the mempool and 
improve the performance of block creation in mining code it has not been 
important for relay nodes or miners to set `-minrelaytxfee`. With this release 
the following concepts that were tied to this option have been separated out:
- - incremental relay fee used for calculating BIP 125 replacement and mempool 
limiting. (1000 satoshis/kB)
- - calculation of threshold for a dust output. (effectively 3 * 1000 
- - minimum fee rate of a package of transactions to be included in a block 
created by the mining code. If miners wish to set this minimum they can use the 
new `-blockmintxfee` option.  (defaults to 1000 satoshis/kB)

The `-minrelaytxfee` option continues to exist but is recommended to be left 

Fee Estimation Changes
- ----------------------

- - Since 0.13.2 fee estimation for a confirmation target of 1 block has been
  disabled. The fee slider will no longer be able to choose a target of 1 block.
  This is only a minor behavior change as there was often insufficient
  data for this target anyway. `estimatefee 1` will now always return -1 and
  `estimatesmartfee 1` will start searching at a target of 2.

- - The default target for fee estimation is changed to 6 blocks in both the GUI
  (previously 25) and for RPC calls (previously 2).

Removal of Priority Estimation
- ------------------------------

- - Estimation of "priority" needed for a transaction to be included within a 
  number of blocks has been removed.  The RPC calls are deprecated and will 
  return -1 or 1e24 appropriately. The format for `fee_estimates.dat` has also
  changed to no longer save these priority estimates. It will automatically be
  converted to the new format which is not readable by prior versions of the

- - Support for "priority" (coin age) transaction sorting for mining is
  considered deprecated in Core and will be removed in the next major version.
  This is not to be confused with the `prioritisetransaction` RPC which will 
  supported by Core for adding fee deltas to transactions.

P2P connection management
- --------------------------

- - Peers manually added through the `-addnode` option or `addnode` RPC now 
have their own
  limit of eight connections which does not compete with other inbound or 
  connection usage and is not subject to the limitation imposed by the 

- - New connections to manually added peers are performed more quickly.

Introduction of assumed-valid blocks
- -------------------------------------

- - A significant portion of the initial block download time is spent verifying
  scripts/signatures.  Although the verification must pass to ensure the 
  of the system, no other result from this verification is needed: If the node
  knew the history of a given block were valid it could skip checking scripts
  for its ancestors.

- - A new configuration option 'assumevalid' is provided to express this 
  to the software.  Unlike the 'checkpoints' in the past this setting does not
  force the use of a particular chain: chains that are consistent with it are
  processed quicker, but other chains are still accepted if they'd otherwise
  be chosen as best. Also unlike 'checkpoints' the user can configure which
  block history is assumed true, this means that even outdated software can
  sync more quickly if the setting is updated by the user.

- - Because the validity of a chain history is a simple objective fact it is 
  easier to review this setting.  As a result the software ships with a default
  value adjusted to match the current chain shortly before release.  The use
  of this default value can be disabled by setting -assumevalid=0

Fundrawtransaction change address reuse
- ----------------------------------------

- - Before 0.14, `fundrawtransaction` was by default wallet stateless. In
  almost all cases `fundrawtransaction` does add a change-output to the
  outputs of the funded transaction. Before 0.14, the used keypool key was
  never marked as change-address key and directly returned to the keypool
  (leading to address reuse).  Before 0.14, calling `getnewaddress`
  directly after `fundrawtransaction` did generate the same address as
  the change-output address.

- - Since 0.14, fundrawtransaction does reserve the change-output-key from
  the keypool by default (optional by setting  `reserveChangeKey`, default =

- - Users should also consider using `getrawchangeaddress()` in conjunction
  with `fundrawtransaction`'s `changeAddress` option.

Unused mempool memory used by coincache
- ----------------------------------------

- - Before 0.14, memory reserved for mempool (using the `-maxmempool` option)
  went unused during initial block download, or IBD. In 0.14, the UTXO DB cache
  (controlled with the `-dbcache` option) borrows memory from the mempool
  when there is extra memory available. This may result in an increase in
  memory usage during IBD for those previously relying on only the `-dbcache`
  option to limit memory during that time.

0.14.0 Change log

Detailed release notes follow. This overview includes changes that affect
behavior, not code moves, minor refactors and string updates. For convenience
in locating the code changes and accompanying discussion, both the pull request
and git merge commit are mentioned.

### RPC and other APIs
- - #8421 `b77bb95` httpserver: drop boost dependency (theuni)
- - #8638 `f061415` rest.cpp: change `HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR` to 
`HTTP_BAD_REQUEST` (djpnewton)
- - #8272 `91990ee` Make the dummy argument to getaddednodeinfo optional (sipa)
- - #8722 `bb843ad` bitcoin-cli: More detailed error reporting (laanwj)
- - #6996 `7f71a3c` Add preciousblock RPC (sipa)
- - #8788 `97c7f73` Give RPC commands more information about the RPC request 
- - #7948 `5d2c8e5` Augment getblockchaininfo bip9\_softforks data (mruddy)
- - #8980 `0e22855` importmulti: Avoid using boost::variant::operator!=, which 
is only in newer boost versions (luke-jr)
- - #9025 `4d8558a` Getrawtransaction should take a bool for verbose (jnewbery)
- - #8811 `5754e03` Add support for JSON-RPC named arguments (laanwj)
- - #9520 `2456a83` Deprecate non-txindex getrawtransaction and better warning 
- - #9518 `a65ced1` Return height of last block pruned by pruneblockchain RPC 
- - #9222 `7cb024e` Add 'subtractFeeFromAmount' option to 'fundrawtransaction' 
- - #8456 `2ef52d3` Simplified `bumpfee` command (mrbandrews)
- - #9516 `727a798` Bug-fix: listsinceblock: use fork point as reference for 
blocks in reorg'd chains (kallewoof)
- - #9640 `7bfb770` Bumpfee: bugfixes for error handling and feerate 
calculation (sdaftuar)
- - #9673 `8d6447e` Set correct metadata on bumpfee wallet transactions 
- - #9650 `40f7e27` Better handle invalid parameters to signrawtransaction 
- - #9682 `edc9e63` Require timestamps for importmulti keys (ryanofsky)
- - #9108 `d8e8b06` Use importmulti timestamp when importing watch only keys 
(on top of #9682) (ryanofsky)
- - #9756 `7a93af8` Return error when importmulti called with invalid address 
- - #9778 `ad168ef` Add two hour buffer to manual pruning (morcos)
- - #9761 `9828f9a` Use 2 hour grace period for key timestamps in importmulti 
rescans (ryanofsky)
- - #9474 `48d7e0d` Mark the minconf parameter to move as ignored (sipa)
- - #9619 `861cb0c` Bugfix: RPC/Mining: GBT should return 1 MB sizelimit before 
segwit activates (luke-jr)
- - #9773 `9072395` Return errors from importmulti if complete rescans are not 
successful (ryanofsky)

### Block and transaction handling
- - #8391 `37d83bb` Consensus: Remove ISM (NicolasDorier)
- - #8365 `618c9dd` Treat high-sigop transactions as larger rather than 
rejecting them (sipa)
- - #8814 `14b7b3f` wallet, policy: ParameterInteraction: Don't allow 0 fee 
- - #8515 `9bdf526` A few mempool removal optimizations (sipa)
- - #8448 `101c642` Store mempool and prioritization data to disk (sipa)
- - #7730 `3c03dc2` Remove priority estimation (morcos)
- - #9111 `fb15610` Remove unused variable `UNLIKELY_PCT` from fees.h (fanquake)
- - #9133 `434e683` Unset fImporting for loading mempool (morcos)
- - #9179 `b9a87b4` Set `DEFAULT_LIMITFREERELAY` = 0 kB/minute (MarcoFalke)
- - #9239 `3fbf079` Disable fee estimates for 1-block target (morcos)
- - #7562 `1eef038` Bump transaction version default to 2 (btcdrak)
- - #9313,#9367 If we don't allow free txs, always send a fee filter (morcos)
- - #9346 `b99a093` Batch construct batches (sipa)
- - #9262 `5a70572` Prefer coins that have fewer ancestors, sanity check txn 
before ATMP (instagibbs)
- - #9288 `1ce7ede` Fix a bug if the min fee is 0 for FeeFilterRounder (morcos)
- - #9395 `0fc1c31` Add test for `-walletrejectlongchains` (morcos)
- - #9107 `7dac1e5` Safer modify new coins (morcos)
- - #9312 `a72f76c` Increase mempool expiry time to 2 weeks (morcos)
- - #8610 `c252685` Share unused mempool memory with coincache (sipa)
- - #9138 `f646275` Improve fee estimation (morcos)
- - #9408 `46b249e` Allow shutdown during LoadMempool, dump only when necessary 
- - #9310 `8c87f17` Assert FRESH validity in CCoinsViewCache::BatchWrite 
- - #7871 `e2e624d` Manual block file pruning (mrbandrews)
- - #9507 `0595042` Fix use-after-free in CTxMemPool::removeConflicts() 
- - #9380 `dd98f04` Separate different uses of minimum fees (morcos)
- - #9596 `71148b8` bugfix save feeDelta instead of priorityDelta in 
DumpMempool (morcos)
- - #9371 `4a1dc35` Notify on removal (morcos)
- - #9519 `9b4d267` Exclude RBF replacement txs from fee estimation (morcos)
- - #8606 `e2a1a1e` Fix some locks (sipa)
- - #8681 `6898213` Performance Regression Fix: Pre-Allocate txChanged vector 
- - #8223 `744d265` c++11: Use std::unique\_ptr for block creation (domob1812)
- - #9125 `7490ae8` Make CBlock a vector of shared\_ptr of CTransactions (sipa)
- - #8930 `93566e0` Move orphan processing to ActivateBestChain (TheBlueMatt)
- - #8580 `46904ee` Make CTransaction actually immutable (sipa)
- - #9240 `a1dcf2e` Remove txConflicted (morcos)
- - #8589 `e8cfe1e` Inline CTxInWitness inside CTxIn (sipa)
- - #9349 `2db4cbc` Make CScript (and prevector) c++11 movable (sipa)
- - #9252 `ce5c1f4` Release cs\_main before calling ProcessNewBlock, or 
processing headers (cmpctblock handling) (sdaftuar)
- - #9283 `869781c` A few more CTransactionRef optimizations (sipa)
- - #9499 `9c9af5a` Use recent-rejects, orphans, and recently-replaced txn for 
compact-block-reconstruction (TheBlueMatt)
- - #9813 `3972a8e` Read/write mempool.dat as a binary (paveljanik)

### P2P protocol and network code
- - #8128 `1030fa7` Turn net structures into dumb storage classes (theuni)
- - #8282 `026c6ed` Feeler connections to increase online addrs in the tried 
table (EthanHeilman)
- - #8462 `53f8f22` Move AdvertiseLocal debug output to net category (Mirobit)
- - #8612 `84decb5` Check for compatibility with download in 
FindNextBlocksToDownload (sipa)
- - #8594 `5b2ea29` Do not add random inbound peers to addrman (gmaxwell)
- - #8085 `6423116` Begin encapsulation (theuni)
- - #8715 `881d7ea` only delete CConnman if it's been created (theuni)
- - #8707 `f07424a` Fix maxuploadtarget setting (theuni)
- - #8661 `d2e4655` Do not set an addr time penalty when a peer advertises 
itself (gmaxwell)
- - #8822 `9bc6a6b` Consistent checksum handling (laanwj)
- - #8936 `1230890` Report NodeId in misbehaving debug (rebroad)
- - #8968 `3cf496d` Don't hold cs\_main when calling ProcessNewBlock from a 
cmpctblock (TheBlueMatt)
- - #9002 `e1d1f57` Make connect=0 disable automatic outbound connections 
- - #9050 `fcf61b8` Make a few values immutable, and use deterministic 
randomness for the localnonce (theuni)
- - #8969 `3665483` Decouple peer-processing-logic from block-connection-logic 
(#2) (TheBlueMatt)
- - #8708 `c8c572f` have CConnman handle message sending (theuni)
- - #8709 `1e50d22` Allow filterclear messages for enabling TX relay only 
- - #9045 `9f554e0` Hash P2P messages as they are received instead of at 
process-time (TheBlueMatt)
- - #9026 `dc6b940` Fix handling of invalid compact blocks (sdaftuar)
- - #8996 `ab914a6` Network activity toggle (luke-jr)
- - #9131 `62af164` fNetworkActive is not protected by a lock, use an atomic 
- - #8872 `0c577f2` Remove block-request logic from INV message processing 
- - #8690 `791b58d` Do not fully sort all nodes for addr relay (sipa)
- - #9128 `76fec09` Decouple CConnman and message serialization (theuni)
- - #9226 `3bf06e9` Remove fNetworkNode and pnodeLocalHost (gmaxwell)
- - #9352 `a7f7651` Attempt reconstruction from all compact block announcements 
- - #9319 `a55716a` Break addnode out from the outbound connection limits 
- - #9261 `2742568` Add unstored orphans with rejected parents to recentRejects 
- - #9441 `8b66bf7` Massive speedup. Net locks overhaul (theuni)
- - #9375 `3908fc4` Relay compact block messages prior to full block connection 
- - #9400 `8a445c5` Set peers as HB peers upon full block validation 
- - #9561 `6696b46` Wake message handling thread when we receive a new block 
- - #9535 `82274c0` Split CNode::cs\_vSend: message processing and message 
sending (TheBlueMatt)
- - #9606 `3f9f962` Consistently use GetTimeMicros() for inactivity checks 
- - #9594 `fd70211` Send final alert message to older peers after connecting 
- - #9626 `36966a1` Clean up a few CConnman cs\_vNodes/CNode things 
- - #9609 `4966917` Fix remaining net assertions (theuni)
- - #9671 `7821db3` Fix super-unlikely race introduced in 
236618061a445d2cb11e72 (TheBlueMatt)
- - #9730 `33f3b21` Remove bitseed.xf2.org form the dns seed list 
- - #9698 `2447c10` Fix socket close race (theuni)
- - #9708 `a06ede9` Clean up all known races/platform-specific UB at the time 
PR was opened (TheBlueMatt)
- - #9715 `b08656e` Disconnect peers which we do not receive VERACKs from 
within 60 sec (TheBlueMatt)
- - #9720 `e87ce95` Fix banning and disallow sending messages before receiving 
verack (theuni)
- - #9268 `09c4fd1` Fix rounding privacy leak introduced in #9260 (TheBlueMatt)
- - #9075 `9346f84` Decouple peer-processing-logic from block-connection-logic 
(#3) (TheBlueMatt)
- - #8688 `047ded0` Move static global randomizer seeds into CConnman (sipa)
- - #9289 `d9ae1ce` net: drop boost::thread\_group (theuni)

### Validation
- - #9014 `d04aeba` Fix block-connection performance regression (TheBlueMatt)
- - #9299 `d52ce89` Remove no longer needed check for premature v2 txs (morcos)
- - #9273 `b68685a` Remove unused `CDiskBlockPos*` argument from 
ProcessNewBlock (TheBlueMatt)
- - #8895 `b83264d` Better SigCache Implementation (JeremyRubin)
- - #9490 `e126d0c` Replace FindLatestBefore used by importmulti with 
FindEarliestAtLeast (gmaxwell)
- - #9484 `812714f` Introduce assumevalid setting to skip validation presumed 
valid scripts (gmaxwell)
- - #9511 `7884956` Don't overwrite validation state with corruption check 
- - #9765 `1e92e04` Harden against mistakes handling invalid blocks (sdaftuar)
- - #9779 `3c02b95` Update nMinimumChainWork and defaultAssumeValid (gmaxwell)
- - #8524 `19b0f33` Precompute sighashes (sipa)
- - #9791 `1825a03` Avoid VLA in hash.h (sipa)

### Build system
- - #8238 `6caf3ee` ZeroMQ 4.1.5 && ZMQ on Windows (fanquake)
- - #8520 `b40e19c` Remove check for `openssl/ec.h` (laanwj)
- - #8617 `de07fdc` Include instructions to extract Mac OS X SDK on Linux using 
7zip and SleuthKit (luke-jr)
- - #8566 `7b98895` Easy to use gitian building script (achow101)
- - #8604 `f256843` build,doc: Update for 0.13.0+ and OpenBSD 5.9 (laanwj)
- - #8640 `2663e51` depends: Remove Qt46 package (fanquake)
- - #8645 `8ea4440` Remove unused Qt 4.6 patch (droark)
- - #8608 `7e9ab95` Install manpages via make install, also add some 
autogenerated manpages (nomnombtc)
- - #8781 `ca69ef4` contrib: delete `qt_translations.py` (MarcoFalke)
- - #8783 `64dc645` share: remove qt/protobuf.pri (MarcoFalke)
- - #8423 `3166dff` depends: expat 2.2.0, ccache 3.3.1, fontconfig 2.12.1 
- - #8791 `b694b0d` travis: cross-mac: explicitly enable gui (MarcoFalke)
- - #8820 `dc64141` depends: Fix Qt compilation with Xcode 8 (fanquake)
- - #8730 `489a6ab` depends: Add libevent compatibility patch for windows 
- - #8819 `c841816` depends: Boost 1.61.0 (fanquake)
- - #8826 `f560d95` Do not include `env_win.cc` on non-Windows systems 
- - #8948 `e077e00` Reorder Windows gitian build order to match Linux 
- - #8568 `078900d` new var `DIST_CONTRIB` adds useful things for packagers 
from contrib (nomnombtc)
- - #9114 `21e6c6b` depends: Set `OSX_MIN_VERSION` to 10.8 (fanquake)
- - #9140 `018a4eb` Bugfix: Correctly replace generated headers and fail 
cleanly (luke-jr)
- - #9156 `a8b2a82` Add compile and link options echo to configure 
- - #9393 `03d85f6` Include cuckoocache header in Makefile (MarcoFalke)
- - #9420 `bebe369` Fix linker error when configured with --enable-lcov (droark)
- - #9412 `53442af` Fix 'make deploy' for OSX (jonasschnelli)
- - #9475 `7014506` Let autoconf detect presence of `EVP_MD_CTX_new` (luke-jr)
- - #9513 `bbf193f` Fix qt distdir builds (theuni)
- - #9471 `ca615e6` depends: libevent 2.1.7rc (fanquake)
- - #9468 `f9117f2` depends: Dependency updates for 0.14.0 (fanquake)
- - #9469 `01c4576` depends: Qt 5.7.1 (fanquake)
- - #9574 `5ac6687` depends: Fix QT build on OSX (fanquake)
- - #9646 `720b579` depends: Fix cross build for qt5.7 (theuni)
- - #9705 `6a55515` Add options to override BDB cflags/libs (laanwj)
- - #8249 `4e1567a` Enable (and check for) 64-bit ASLR on Windows (laanwj)
- - #9758 `476cc47` Selectively suppress deprecation warnings (jonasschnelli)
- - #9783 `6d61a2b` release: bump gitian descriptors for a new 0.14 package 
cache (theuni)
- - #9789 `749fe95` build: add --enable-werror and warn on vla's (theuni)
- - #9831 `99fd85c` build: force a c++ standard to be specified (theuni)

### GUI
- - #8192 `c503863` Remove URLs from About dialog translations (fanquake)
- - #8540 `36404ae` Fix random segfault when closing "Choose data directory" 
dialog (laanwj)
- - #8517 `2468292` Show wallet HD state in statusbar (jonasschnelli)
- - #8463 `62a5a8a` Remove Priority from coincontrol dialog (MarcoFalke)
- - #7579 `0606f95` Show network/chain errors in the GUI (jonasschnelli)
- - #8583 `c19f8a4` Show XTHIN in GUI (rebroad)
- - #7783 `4335d5a` RPC-Console: support nested commands and simple value 
queries (jonasschnelli)
- - #8672 `6052d50` Show transaction size in transaction details window 
- - #8777 `fec6af7` WalletModel: Expose disablewallet (MarcoFalke)
- - #8371 `24f72e9` Add out-of-sync modal info layer (jonasschnelli)
- - #8885 `b2fec4e` Fix ban from qt console (theuni)
- - #8821 `bf8e68a` sync-overlay: Don't block during reindex (MarcoFalke)
- - #8906 `088d1f4` sync-overlay: Don't show progress twice (MarcoFalke)
- - #8918 `47ace42` Add "Copy URI" to payment request context menu (luke-jr)
- - #8925 `f628d9a` Display minimum ping in debug window (rebroad)
- - #8774 `3e942a7` Qt refactors to better abstract wallet access (luke-jr)
- - #8985 `7b1bfa3` Use pindexBestHeader instead of setBlockIndexCandidates for 
NotifyHeaderTip() (jonasschnelli)
- - #8989 `d2143dc` Overhaul smart-fee slider, adjust default confirmation 
target (jonasschnelli)
- - #9043 `273bde3` Return useful error message on ATMP failure (MarcoFalke)
- - #9088 `4e57824` Reduce ambiguity of warning message (rebroad)
- - #8874 `e984730` Multiple Selection for peer and ban tables (achow101)
- - #9145 `924745d` Make network disabled icon 50% opaque (MarcoFalke)
- - #9130 `ac489b2` Mention the new network toggle functionality in the tooltip 
- - #9218 `4d955fc` Show progress overlay when clicking spinner icon (laanwj)
- - #9280 `e15660c` Show ModalOverlay by pressing the progress bar, allow 
hiding (jonasschnelli)
- - #9296 `fde7d99` Fix missed change to WalletTx structure (morcos)
- - #9266 `2044e37` Bugfix: Qt/RPCConsole: Put column enum in the right places 
- - #9255 `9851a84` layoutAboutToChange signal is called layoutAboutToBeChanged 
- - #9330 `47e6a19` Console: add security warning (jonasschnelli)
- - #9329 `db45ad8` Console: allow empty arguments (jonasschnelli)
- - #8877 `6dc4c43` Qt RPC console: history sensitive-data filter, and saving 
input line when browsing history (luke-jr)
- - #9462 `649cf5f` Do not translate tilde character (MarcoFalke)
- - #9457 `123ea73` Select more files for translation (MarcoFalke)
- - #9413 `fd7d8c7` CoinControl: Allow non-wallet owned change addresses 
- - #9461 `b250686` Improve progress display during headers-sync and 
peer-finding (jonasschnelli)
- - #9588 `5086452` Use nPowTargetSpacing constant (MarcoFalke)
- - #9637 `d9e4d1d` Fix transaction details output-index to reflect vout index 
- - #9718 `36f9d3a` Qt/Intro: Various fixes (luke-jr)
- - #9735 `ec66d06` devtools: Handle Qt formatting characters edge-case in 
update-translations.py (laanwj)
- - #9755 `a441db0` Bugfix: Qt/Options: Restore persistent "restart required" 
notice (luke-jr)
- - #9817 `7d75a5a` Fix segfault crash when shutdown the GUI in disablewallet 
mode (jonasschnelli)

### Wallet
- - #8152 `b9c1cd8` Remove `CWalletDB*` parameter from CWallet::AddToWallet 
- - #8432 `c7e05b3` Make CWallet::fFileBacked private (pstratem)
- - #8445 `f916700` Move CWallet::setKeyPool to private section of CWallet 
- - #8564 `0168019` Remove unused code/conditions in ReadAtCursor 
- - #8601 `37ac678` Add option to opt into full-RBF when sending funds (rebase, 
original by petertodd) (laanwj)
- - #8494 `a5b20ed` init, wallet: ParameterInteraction() iff wallet enabled 
- - #8760 `02ac669` init: Get rid of some `ENABLE_WALLET` (MarcoFalke)
- - #8696 `a1f8d3e` Wallet: Remove last external reference to CWalletDB 
- - #8768 `886e8c9` init: Get rid of fDisableWallet (MarcoFalke)
- - #8486 `ab0b411` Add high transaction fee warnings (MarcoFalke)
- - #8851 `940748b` Move key derivation logic from GenerateNewKey to 
DeriveNewChildKey (pstratem)
- - #8287 `e10af96` Set fLimitFree = true (MarcoFalke)
- - #8928 `c587577` Fix init segfault where InitLoadWallet() calls ATMP before 
genesis (TheBlueMatt)
- - #7551 `f2d7056` Add importmulti RPC call (pedrobranco)
- - #9016 `0dcb888` Return useful error message on ATMP failure (instagibbs)
- - #8753 `f8723d2` Locked memory manager (laanwj)
- - #8828 `a4fd8df` Move CWalletDB::ReorderTransactions to CWallet (pstratem)
- - #8977 `6a1343f` Refactor wallet/init interaction (Reaccept wtx, flush 
thread) (jonasschnelli)
- - #9036 `ed0cc50` Change default confirm target from 2 to 6 (laanwj)
- - #9071 `d1871da` Declare wallet.h functions inline (sipa)
- - #9132 `f54e460` Make strWalletFile const (jonasschnelli)
- - #9141 `5ea5e04` Remove unnecessary calls to CheckFinalTx (jonasschnelli)
- - #9165 `c01f16a` SendMoney: use already-calculated balance (instagibbs)
- - #9311 `a336d13` Flush wallet after abandontransaction (morcos)
- - #8717 `38e4887` Addition of ImmatureCreditCached to MarkDirty() 
- - #9446 `510c0d9` SetMerkleBranch: remove unused code, remove cs\_main lock 
requirement (jonasschnelli)
- - #8776 `2a524b8` Wallet refactoring leading up to multiwallet (luke-jr)
- - #9465 `a7d55c9` Do not perform ECDSA signing in the fee calculation inner 
loop (gmaxwell)
- - #9404 `12e3112` Smarter coordination of change and fee in CreateTransaction 
- - #9377 `fb75cd0` fundrawtransaction: Keep change-output keys by default, 
make it optional (jonasschnelli)
- - #9578 `923dc44` Add missing mempool lock for CalculateMemPoolAncestors 
- - #9227 `02464da` Make nWalletDBUpdated atomic to avoid a potential race 
- - #9764 `f8af89a` Prevent "overrides a member function but is not marked 
'override'" warnings (laanwj)
- - #9771 `e43a585` Add missing cs\_wallet lock that triggers new lock held 
assertion (ryanofsky)
- - #9316 `3097ea4` Disable free transactions when relay is disabled 
- - #9615 `d2c9e4d` Wallet incremental fee (morcos)
- - #9760 `40c754c` Remove importmulti always-true check (ryanofsky)

### Tests and QA
- - #8270 `6e5e5ab` Tests: Use portable #! in python scripts (/usr/bin/env) 
- - #8534,#8504 Remove java comparison tool (laanwj,MarcoFalke)
- - #8482 `740cff5` Use single cache dir for chains (MarcoFalke)
- - #8450 `21857d2` Replace `rpc_wallet_tests.cpp` with python RPC unit tests 
- - #8671 `ddc3080` Minimal fix to slow prevector tests as stopgap measure 
- - #8680 `666eaf0` Address Travis spurious failures (theuni)
- - #8789 `e31a43c` pull-tester: Only print output when failed (MarcoFalke)
- - #8810 `14e8f99` tests: Add exception error message for JSONRPCException 
- - #8830 `ef0801b` test: Add option to run bitcoin-util-test.py manually 
- - #8881 `e66cc1d` Add some verbose logging to bitcoin-util-test.py (jnewbery)
- - #8922 `0329511` Send segwit-encoded blocktxn messages in p2p-compactblocks 
- - #8873 `74dc388` Add microbenchmarks to profile more code paths (ryanofsky)
- - #9032 `6a8be7b` test: Add format-dependent comparison to bctest (laanwj)
- - #9023 `774db92` Add logging to bitcoin-util-test.py (jnewbery)
- - #9065 `c9bdf9a` Merge `doc/unit-tests.md` into `src/test/README.md` (laanwj)
- - #9069 `ed64bce` Clean up bctest.py and bitcoin-util-test.py (jnewbery)
- - #9095 `b8f43e3` test: Fix test\_random includes (MarcoFalke)
- - #8894 `faec09b` Testing: Include fRelay in mininode version messages 
- - #9097 `e536499` Rework `sync_*` and preciousblock.py (MarcoFalke)
- - #9049 `71bc39e` Remove duplicatable duplicate-input check from 
CheckTransaction (TheBlueMatt)
- - #9136 `b422913` sync\_blocks cleanup (ryanofsky)
- - #9151 `4333b1c` proxy\_test: Calculate hardcoded port numbers (MarcoFalke)
- - #9206 `e662d28` Make test constant consistent with consensus.h (btcdrak)
- - #9139 `0de7fd3` Change sync\_blocks to pick smarter maxheight (on top of 
#9196) (ryanofsky)
- - #9100 `97ec6e5` tx\_valid: re-order inputs to how they are encoded 
- - #9202 `e56cf67` bench: Add support for measuring CPU cycles (laanwj)
- - #9223 `5412c08` unification of Bloom filter representation 
- - #9257 `d7ba4a2` Dump debug logs on travis failures (sdaftuar)
- - #9221 `9e4bb31` Get rid of duplicate code (MarcoFalke)
- - #9274 `919db03` Use cached utxo set to fix performance regression 
- - #9276 `ea33f19` Some minor testing cleanups (morcos)
- - #9291 `8601784` Remove mapOrphanTransactionsByPrev from DoS\_tests (sipa)
- - #9309 `76fcd9d` Wallet needs to stay unlocked for whole test (morcos)
- - #9172 `5bc209c` Resurrect pstratem's "Simple fuzzing framework" (laanwj)
- - #9331 `c6fd923` Add test for rescan feature of wallet key import RPCs 
- - #9354 `b416095` Make fuzzer actually test CTxOutCompressor (sipa)
- - #9390,#9416 travis: make distdir (MarcoFalke)
- - #9308 `0698639` test: Add CCoinsViewCache Access/Modify/Write tests 
- - #9406 `0f921e6` Re-enable a blank v1 Tx JSON test (droark)
- - #9435 `dbc8a8c` Removed unused variable in test, fixing warning (ryanofsky)
- - #9436 `dce853e` test: Include tx data in `EXTRA_DIST` (MarcoFalke)
- - #9525 `02e5308` test: Include tx data in `EXTRA_DIST` (MarcoFalke)
- - #9498 `054d664` Basic CCheckQueue Benchmarks (JeremyRubin)
- - #9554 `0b96abc` test: Avoid potential NULL pointer dereference in 
`addrman_tests.cpp` (practicalswift)
- - #9628 `f895023` Increase a sync\_blocks timeout in pruning.py (sdaftuar)
- - #9638 `a7ea2f8` Actually test assertions in pruning.py (MarcoFalke)
- - #9647 `e99f0d7` Skip RAII event tests if libevent is built without 
`event_set_mem_functions` (luke-jr)
- - #9691 `fc67cd2` Init ECC context for `test_bitcoin_fuzzy` (gmaxwell)
- - #9712 `d304fef` bench: Fix initialization order in registration (laanwj)
- - #9707 `b860915` Fix RPC failure testing (jnewbery)
- - #9269 `43e8150` Align struct COrphan definition (sipa)
- - #9820 `599c69a` Fix pruning test broken by 2 hour manual prune window 
- - #9824 `260c71c` qa: Check return code when stopping nodes (MarcoFalke)
- - #9875 `50953c2` tests: Fix dangling pwalletMain pointer in wallet tests 
- - #9839 `eddaa6b` [qa] Make import-rescan.py watchonly check reliable 

### Documentation
- - #8332 `806b9e7` Clarify witness branches in transaction.h serialization 
- - #8935 `0306978` Documentation: Building on Windows with WSL (pooleja)
- - #9144 `c98f6b3` Correct waitforblockheight example help text (fanquake)
- - #9407 `041331e` Added missing colons in when running help command (anditto)
- - #9378 `870cd2b` Add documentation for CWalletTx::fFromMe member (ryanofsky)
- - #9297 `0b73807` Various RPC help outputs updated (Mirobit)
- - #9613 `07421cf` Clarify getbalance help string to explain interaction with 
bumpfee (ryanofsky)
- - #9663 `e30d928` Clarify listunspent amount description (instagibbs)
- - #9396 `d65a13b` Updated listsinceblock rpc documentation (accraze)
- - #8747 `ce43630` rpc: Fix transaction size comments and RPC help text 
- - #8058 `bbd9740` Doc: Add issue template (AmirAbrams)
- - #8567 `85d4e21` Add default port numbers to REST doc (djpnewton)
- - #8624 `89de153` build: Mention curl (MarcoFalke)
- - #8786 `9da7366` Mandatory copyright agreement (achow101)
- - #8823 `7b05af6` Add privacy recommendation when running hidden service 
- - #9433 `caa2f10` Update the Windows build notes (droark)
- - #8879 `f928050` Rework docs (MarcoFalke)
- - #8887 `61d191f` Improve GitHub issue template (fanquake)
- - #8787 `279bbad` Add missing autogen to example builds (AmirAbrams)
- - #8892 `d270c30` Add build instructions for FreeBSD (laanwj)
- - #8890 `c71a654` Update Doxygen configuration file (fanquake)
- - #9207 `fa1f944` Move comments above bash command in build-unix (AmirAbrams)
- - #9219 `c4522e7` Improve windows build instructions using Linux subsystem 
- - #8954 `932d02a` contrib: Add README for pgp keys (MarcoFalke)
- - #9093 `2fae5b9` release-process: Mention GitHub release and archived 
release notes (MarcoFalke)
- - #8743 `bae178f` Remove old manpages from contrib/debian in favour of 
doc/man (fanquake)
- - #9550 `4105cb6` Trim down the XP notice and say more about what we support 
- - #9246 `9851498` Developer docs about existing subtrees (gmaxwell)
- - #9401 `c2ea1e6` Make rpcauth help message clearer, add example in example 
.conf (instagibbs)
- - #9022,#9033 Document dropping OS X 10.7 support (fanquake, MarcoFalke)
- - #8771 `bc9e3ab` contributing: Mention not to open several pulls (luke-jr)
- - #8852 `7b784cc` Mention Gitian building script in doc (Laudaa) (laanwj)
- - #8915 `03dd707` Add copyright/patent issues to possible NACK reasons 
- - #8965 `23e03f8` Mention that PPA doesn't support Debian (anduck)
- - #9115 `bfc7aad` Mention reporting security issues responsibly (paveljanik)
- - #9840 `08e0690` Update sendfrom RPC help to correct coin selection 
misconception (ryanofsky)
- - #9865 `289204f` Change bitcoin address in RPC help message (marijnfs)

### Miscellaneous
- - #8274 `7a2d402` util: Update tinyformat (laanwj)
- - #8291 `5cac8b1` util: CopyrightHolders: Check for untranslated substitution 
- - #8557 `44691f3` contrib: Rework verifybinaries (MarcoFalke)
- - #8621 `e8ed6eb` contrib: python: Don't use shell=True (MarcoFalke)
- - #8813 `fb24d7e` bitcoind: Daemonize using daemon(3) (laanwj)
- - #9004 `67728a3` Clarify `listenonion` (unsystemizer)
- - #8674 `bae81b8` tools for analyzing, updating and adding copyright headers 
in source files (isle2983)
- - #8976 `8c6218a` libconsensus: Add input validation of flags (laanwj)
- - #9112 `46027e8` Avoid ugly exception in log on unknown inv type (laanwj)
- - #8837 `2108911` Allow bitcoin-tx to parse partial transactions (jnewbery)
- - #9204 `74ced54` Clarify CreateTransaction error messages (instagibbs)
- - #9265 `31bcc66` bitcoin-cli: Make error message less confusing (laanwj)
- - #9303 `72bf1b3` Update comments in ctaes (sipa)
- - #9417 `c4b7d4f` Do not evaluate hidden LogPrint arguments (sipa)
- - #9506 `593a00c` RFC: Improve style for if indentation (sipa)
- - #8883 `d5d4ad8` Add all standard TXO types to bitcoin-tx (jnewbery)
- - #9531 `23281a4` Release notes for estimation changes  (morcos)
- - #9486 `f62bc10` Make peer=%d log prints consistent (TheBlueMatt)
- - #9552 `41cb05c` Add IPv6 support to qos.sh (jamesmacwhite)
- - #9542 `e9e7993` Docs: Update CONTRIBUTING.md (jnewbery)
- - #9649 `53ab12d` Remove unused clang format dev script (MarcoFalke)
- - #9625 `77bd8c4` Increase minimum debug.log size to 10MB after shrink 
- - #9070 `7b22e50` Lockedpool fixes (kazcw)
- - #8779 `7008e28` contrib: Delete spendfrom (MarcoFalke)
- - #9587,#8793,#9496,#8191,#8109,#8655,#8472,#8677,#8981,#9124  Avoid 
shadowing of variables (paveljanik)
- - #9063 `f2a6e82` Use deprecated `MAP_ANON` if `MAP_ANONYMOUS` is not defined 
- - #9060 `1107653` Fix bloom filter init to isEmpty = true (robmcl4)
- - #8613 `613bda4` LevelDB 1.19 (sipa)
- - #9225 `5488514` Fix some benign races (TheBlueMatt)
- - #8736 `5fa7b07` base58: Improve DecodeBase58 performance (wjx)
- - #9039 `e81df49` Various serialization simplifcations and optimizations 
- - #9010 `a143b88` Split up AppInit2 into multiple phases, daemonize after 
datadir lock errors (laanwj)
- - #9230 `c79e52a` Fix some benign races in timestamp logging (TheBlueMatt)
- - #9183,#9260 Mrs Peacock in The Library with The Candlestick (killed 
main.{h,cpp}) (TheBlueMatt)
- - #9236 `7f72568` Fix races for strMiscWarning and `fLargeWork*Found`, make 
QT runawayException use GetWarnings (gmaxwell)
- - #9243 `7aa7004` Clean up mapArgs and mapMultiArgs Usage (TheBlueMatt)
- - #9387 `cfe41d7` RAII of libevent stuff using unique ptrs with deleters 
- - #9472 `fac0f30` Disentangle progress estimation from checkpoints and update 
it (sipa)
- - #9512 `6012967` Fix various things -fsanitize complains about (sipa)
- - #9373,#9580 Various linearization script issues (droark)
- - #9674 `dd163f5` Lock debugging: Always enforce strict lock ordering (try or 
not) (TheBlueMatt)
- - #8453,#9334  Update to latest libsecp256k1 (laanwj,sipa)
- - #9656 `7c93952` Check verify-commits on pushes to master (TheBlueMatt)
- - #9679 `a351162` Access WorkQueue::running only within the cs lock 
- - #9777 `8dee822` Handle unusual maxsigcachesize gracefully (jnewbery)
- - #8863,#8807 univalue: Pull subtree (MarcoFalke)
- - #9798 `e22c067` Fix Issue #9775 (Check returned value of fopen) (kirit93)
- - #9856 `69832aa` Terminate immediately when allocation fails (theuni)


Thanks to everyone who directly contributed to this release:

- - accraze
- - adlawren
- - Alex Morcos
- - Alexey Vesnin
- - Amir Abrams
- - Anders Øyvind Urke-Sætre
- - Anditto Heristyo
- - Andrew Chow
- - anduck
- - Anthony Towns
- - Brian Deery
- - BtcDrak
- - Chris Moore
- - Chris Stewart
- - Christian Barcenas
- - Christian Decker
- - Cory Fields
- - crowning-
- - CryptAxe
- - CryptoVote
- - Dagur Valberg Johannsson
- - Daniel Cousens
- - Daniel Kraft
- - Derek Miller
- - djpnewton
- - Don Patterson
- - Doug
- - Douglas Roark
- - Ethan Heilman
- - fsb4000
- - Gaurav Rana
- - Geoffrey Tsui
- - Greg Walker
- - Gregory Maxwell
- - Gregory Sanders
- - Hampus Sjöberg
- - isle2983
- - Ivo van der Sangen
- - James White
- - Jameson Lopp
- - Jeremy Rubin
- - Jiaxing Wang
- - jnewbery
- - John Newbery
- - Johnson Lau
- - Jon Lund Steffensen
- - Jonas Schnelli
- - jonnynewbs
- - Jorge Timón
- - Justin Camarena
- - Karl-Johan Alm
- - Kaz Wesley
- - kirit93
- - Koki Takahashi
- - Lauda
- - leijurv
- - lizhi
- - Luke Dashjr
- - maiiz
- - MarcoFalke
- - Marijn Stollenga
- - Marty Jones
- - Masahiko Hyuga
- - Matt Corallo
- - Matthew King
- - matthias
- - Micha
- - Michael Ford
- - Michael Rotarius
- - Mitchell Cash
- - mrbandrews
- - mruddy
- - Nicolas DORIER
- - nomnombtc
- - Patrick Strateman
- - Pavel Janík
- - Pedro Branco
- - Peter Todd
- - Pieter Wuille
- - poole\_party
- - practicalswift
- - R E Broadley
- - randy-waterhouse
- - Richard Kiss
- - Robert McLaughlin
- - rodasmith
- - Russell Yanofsky
- - S. Matthew English
- - Sev
- - Spencer Lievens
- - Stanislas Marion
- - Steven
- - Suhas Daftuar
- - Thomas Snider
- - UdjinM6
- - unsystemizer
- - whythat
- - Will Binns
- - Wladimir J. van der Laan
- - wodry
- - Zak Wilcox

As well as everyone that helped translating on 

Version: GnuPG v2

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