Hi Peter,

Re: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/28130

I have a few questions about your proposal and its impact on full node 

1. With your proposed policy change removing the OP_RETURN output count and 
data size limits, is there ever a case where using OP_RETURN to embed data 
actually results in fewer bytes onchain than embedding the same data using the 
segwit/taproot witness space e.g. the envelope technique inscriptions use? 
Robin Linus suggested on your PR there may be a case that "effectively results 
in a discount for small inscriptions".[1] It would be good to have confirmation 
on this and specific details about the range of inscription sizes that would 
receive the discount if this is true. (Robin himself is of course also welcome 
to answer this question; I have cc'd him directly on this email as an 
invitation to respond.)

2. Documentation about OP_RETURN says that OP_RETURN outputs are 
"provably-prunable".[2] A question I had about this was, are there any tools 
available that a full node operator could use to prune this data from their 
nodes? While researching this question I found PR #2791 from Pieter Wuille, 
which implemented pruning of provably-unspendable outputs, which I assume 
includes OP_RETURN outputs.[3] After looking around some more and not finding 
definitive answers, I have a few new questions about this:
  i) Is the unspendable output pruning implemented in PR #2791 on by default or 
is this a flag that needs to be enabled by full node operators? If it's a flag, 
what is the flag called and how can it be enabled? If it's on by default, how 
can it be disabled?
  ii) If a full node operator does prune OP_RETURN outputs, does that in any 
way impair their ability to help a new node do IBD to validate the blockchain? 
And would that answer be any different if we were talking about pruning Taproot 
witness space (i.e. "envelopes" or "inscriptions") instead of OP_RETURN outputs?


John Light

[1] https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/28130#issuecomment-1664950834

[2] https://bitcoin.org/en/release/v0.9.0#opreturn-and-data-in-the-block-chain

[3] https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/2791
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