On Friday 16 Dec 2011 19:06:52 Gavin Andresen wrote:

> I think there is also a huge public relations benefit to using a
> standard like IIBAN instead of inventing our own. Having a Bitcoin
> Payment Routing Address (or whatever it ends up being called) that
> looks like the number issues by big financial institutions will give
> people the warm fuzzies.

I can see the PR advantages, but isn't mapping from one massively long, 
multi-character, human-opaque number (IBAN) to another (bitcoin address) a 
bit of a waste of time?

Surely the point of all this is to provide at least the possibility of a 
human-readable name for a bitcoin-address?

Isn't there a possibility that one day we might want to be able to say "send 
me those bitcoins you owe me to bitcoin.yahoo.co.uk/andyparkins"?  Or 

Dr Andy Parkins

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