On 22/10/13 16:08, Jeff Garzik wrote:
> All that is good practice, but we should avoid adding burdensome
> process that might discourage BIP writing.
> Consider a distributed approach:  if you feel a draft needs more
> sections or better language, submit a pull request yourself and help
> community-edit the document.

I would love to do so.

However, from what Peter Todd said above, my feeling was that spec is 
deliberately vague to force compatibility with the reference 
implementation rather than with a document.

While that kind of compatibility-via-obscurity won't probably work in a 
long run, in short run it can prevent proliferation of implementations 
and thus give protocol more space and flexibility to evolve (I've done 
the same trick with ZeroMQ myself once).

Anyway, if my impression was wrong I am happy to give it a try.


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