On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 11:41:27AM +0100, slush wrote:
> To be specific, we (in cooperation with / inspired by Timo Hanke) developed
> method how to prove that the seed generated by Trezor has been created
> using combination of computer-provided entropy and device-provided entropy,
> without leaking full private information to other computer, just because we
> want Trezor to be blackbox-testable and fully deterministic (seed
> generation is currently the only operation which uses any source of RNG).

I just wanted to say the fact that you're making key generation
auditable, and using deterministic signatures, is a clear sign that you
guys know what you're doing. Hearing this makes me a lot more confident
that the Trezor will prove to be a secure way to store my Bitcoins and
my pre-order will prove to be money well spent.



Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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