FYI, I've just tagged v0.10rc4, and pushed my signatures to the
gitian.sigs repository.

Please start your gitian builders!

Changes relative to rc3:

- 1eb14af Increase block download timeout base from 10 to 20 minutes.
- 3916a81 Increase coverage of DERSIG edge cases
- 6da2028 Add RPC test for DERSIG BIP switchover logic
- 773c30d BIP66 changeover logic
- 18695f0 Example unit tests from BIP66
- abfbeaf Change IsDERSignature to BIP66 implementation
- b6347bf Fix priority calculation in CreateTransaction
- 2448d34 Avoid storing a reference passed to SignatureChecker constructors
- 1bbad80 Use separate SignatureChecker for CMutableTransaction
- 6a02ef8 [Qt] don't allow amount changes when AmountSpinBox is read-only
- b61940b Change Coin Control first column label
- c5044bc sleep-wait on genesis block during init with -reindex
- b24ff47 Make empty byte arrays pass CheckSignatureEncoding()
- ed4206a fix crash: CoinControl "space" bug
- 58259ad qt: fix broken unicode chars on osx 10.10
- aaf55d2 186a517 Add a -rpckeepalive option to disable RPC use of
HTTP persistent connections.

Hopefully this will be the last release candidate before the 0.10 final release.


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