Considering how long it takes to finish a blackbelly, would I run into a question of ethics if I was to sell 14-15 month old blackbellies as "lamb"?

I have a conflict between lambing and finishing. Both need to happen as the grass cycle is peaking. But if I want to finish lambs on early summer grass at, say 10 months, they have to be born in the fall, which is a lousy time for lactation. I'd like to be lambing in April/May. Those April/May lambs would then need to be butchered in June/July in order to get maximum gains off of grass. I don't think there's any difference in flavor between 10 months and 15 months, but there CAN be a big difference in winter butchered vs. early summer butchered lamb.

But I don't know how much of a market there is for "hogget".


Barb Lee

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