
this site is owned by a Pastured Poultry listmember--
the discussion about NAIS on that list is quite heated
at times.

 The government's agenda has been postponed- but it is
still there. Most of us within the US can remember HOW
the legislative process is supposed to work, but since
we, as a nation, do not force that issue on our
politicians, people who  don't know which  end of a
cow produces the <****> and which end the moo just
legislate to keep money in their pockets. They Don't
know the difference between a "factory farm" ( which
can be "organic" or "free range", by the way) and
pastured livestock.

LAst week, an Island in Germany was invaded my
military personell and all fowl destroyed-- because a
swan died from the cold-- the reasoning-- "bird flu"--
and NAIS is all about that type of mentality. We do
need to fight-- with the weapons we have-- the
constitution, letters, and votes, my friends. Speaking
of votes, it is recommended that NO ONE  votes either
Republican or Democratic-- rather- cast your vote for
one of the minor party candidates-- you will need to
look for a lot of them, as they generally do not make
it to the ballot list!

Terry W

--- "Carol J. Elkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Our government has long been working outside the
> boundaries that we defined 
> when we created it to be our SERVANT government via
> the Constitution and 
> the BIll of Rights. 
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