The Wintermutes wrote:

>Hi again Elizabeth,
>Don't assume the majority of Blackbelly rams are aggressive.  The aggressive
>rams just give everybody something to talk about!  
Hi all,

This is an interesting topic.  I have 3 jr rams...the lead ram, Andy, is 
2 yrs old, the other two are yearlings...not his offspring.  All of 
these rams are really nice animals.  I was told that rams  would 
probably turn very aggressive when they turned about 2 or when the ewes 
were in estrus.  I would not be so foolish to say this could not 
happen..but so far everyone is respectful.  I don't take it for granted, 
for sure, they are powerful animals with impressive horns...but so 
far...they are good boys.  My baby rams are just hilarious.  They are so 

Beth in OR
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