I wanted to let you know that Oklahoma State University has finally 
created a separate Web page for the American Blackbelly.


Barb Lee and I developed the text for the page. In addition, I 
provided new information for OSU's page on Barbados Blackbelly to 
help visitors understand the difference between the breeds.

OSU is generally regarded as the most authoritative site on the Web 
regarding sheep breeds. It gets tremendous traffic, and enjoys top 
ranking in most of the search engines. Their inclusion of the 
American Blackbelly on their site validates the legitimacy of the new 
breed name and gives all of you even more reason to be proud of your 
magnificent sheep. Hopefully, these two new pages of information 
about AB and BB sheep will reduce the amount of confusion that people 
have when they acquire their first blackbelly sheep.

Please note that neither page is perfect. However, after four months 
of working with a part-time OSU student who has minimal HTML skills 
and zero communication skills, I'm just happy that we were able to 
achieve the current results.


Carol Elkins
Critterhaven--Registered Barbados Blackbelly Hair Sheep
(no shear, no dock, no fuss)
Pueblo, Colorado
T-shirts, mugs, caps, and more at the
Barbados Blackbelly Online Store http://www.cafepress.com/blackbellysheep

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