I ran across an excellent report that comparesd the effectiveness of 
garlic juice versus other "organic" deworming agents.


The report is interesting for another reason, too. Jean Noon, the 
author, was awarded a SARE grant to do this research using her own 
flock. She is just a regular sheep person like we are. She has an 
informative Web site at

It seems to me there are some shepherds in this group who might want 
to consider applying for a SARE grant to help fund studies that they 
are already doing to answer questions about their own sheep-raising efforts.

You can learn more about how to apply for a SARE grant at


Carol Elkins
Critterhaven--Registered Barbados Blackbelly Hair Sheep
(no shear, no dock, no fuss)
Pueblo, Colorado
T-shirts, mugs, caps, and more at the
Barbados Blackbelly Online Store http://www.cafepress.com/blackbellysheep

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