Just give the highest energy food you have (alfalfa, grain ...) and pray.
Molasses in the water and grain can help.  Is she close to delivery?
Hopefully you will have lambs soon.  If she manages to deliver the lambs
keep the food going to her!  Another situation where bottle babies might be
the best outcome.  She is in a race to deliver her babies.


I have had a ewe not feeling well and I have had her up in the barn. Got her
to the vet this morning and was told she has preclamsia. He called it the
animal term and when I asked him what that was he said it is like what women
get when they are pregnant. He said sheep and goats that are prone to multi
births can get it and have a low rate of survival. He gave her some IV meds,
sent home some meds to get her energy up and said the big thing is to keep
her eating anything she wants. 
Has anyone else heard or dealt with this. This is her first lambing and he
said she may never do this again and may do it everytime it is different
with each ewe. Would appreciate any and all info.
OJ in OK

Oneta and The Gang 
www.johnsonquarterhorses.com     Don't tell GOD what to do, just report for


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