The link below will give you an idea of the meat lamb market in Missouri.
Prices are about as good as they are going to get in February.  The rest of
the year the prices are more depressed for market lambs.  I just sold 76
lambs at 56# avg. weight for $1.2272/pound ($68.72 each).  I get 89% of the
sale price ($61.16/56# lamb) the other 11% goes towards commission, lamb
checkoff and sheep promotion.  These were 8 month old lambs.  The question
at hand is can you feed them cheap enough to make money off of them.

Selling breeding stock for profit depends if Disney will come out with a
Blackbelly sheep movie (my opinion).;

Mark Wintermute

  My husband is wondering how easy are these sheep to sell?  I believed
going into this, that through the consortium, I wouldn't have a hard time
selling my lamb crops?  What can you folks share with us about this topic?
We would love to hear from you.  

  Jack is of a mind that we may have chosen the wrong breed of sheep to
diversify our farm...mainly due to the cost of necessary fencing and a lack
of markets for them.  
I am in love with them and want to stay with please help me out
  Our experience is in the cattle markets...

Shawna and Jack Gulick
Gulick Farms
Fair Grove, MO

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