Yes, I also train dogs, and I have done some clicker training. I am sure my sheep and goats could easily learn that way, too. I know people who train chickens -- in fact, there is a goldfish-training video on YouTube and one of a lamb being clicker trained to do agility


----- Original Message ----- From: "Michael Smith" <>
To: "blackbelly" <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 6:15 PM
Subject: Re: [Blackbelly] Bottle-Baby as New Mother

Message: 2
Date: Mon, 09 Mar 2009 22:20:43 -0400
From: "Bonnie Chandler" <>
Subject: Re: [Blackbelly] Bottle-Baby as New Mother
To: <>
Message-ID: <a1c75ab1d1544b6e9b148560138d5...@bonniepc>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset=iso-8859-1;

I have sometimes had to encourage new goat or sheep mothers to mother their babies, and it seems like it is most often the youngest and tamest ones that
need the help.

Bonnie, I read your post and will be running into this potentially,
next year, if I breed my ewe lambs I am currently bottle-feeding. The
only reason I am bottle feeding them is to make them pets and easier
to handle, since I am not an experienced rancher and don't have a
working dog (yet).

I am struck by how effective your praising of the animal can be. It
also makes me think that if you have clicker-trained them, like I do,
when feeding, a clicker could help encourage them as well. It helped
me tame and relax them for handling, quickly.

Last year, I clicker-trained my (now 1-year old) bottle Ram to do a
little "turn around in a circle trick", very consistently, by
following a target (he'll still do it, if I ask) and was working on
getting him to step back and stand on a piece of wood (a good trick to
get them used to standing back from the gate when opening) before he
got old enough that we had to stay out of his pasture.

I clicker train my dog (rescued from Druggies who abused her) using
praise only. No treats. In her case, all she wants is love and trust.
She's a 3-year old Aussie and of course, learns very fast. So, the
praise and trust thing, I can relate to.

If anyone is curious, just search on Clicker Training, and you'll find
dozens of hits. Even for sheep, goats, llamas, etc. YouTube has many
fantastic videos of amazing tricks. I even saw one of AB sheep
"dancing" on stage at some fair.

Michael, Perino Ranch Blackbellies.
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