I usually don't wean my bottle babies till 90 days but that is just a
personal choice. I think it also helps when you are weaning off the bottle
to start diluting the milk more and more over time until you are almost
feeding water at the very end. Good luck!


-----Original Message-----
From: blackbelly-boun...@lists.blackbellysheep.info
[mailto:blackbelly-boun...@lists.blackbellysheep.info] On Behalf Of Double J
Sent: Monday, August 03, 2009 3:48 PM
To: blackbelly@lists.blackbellysheep.info
Subject: [Blackbelly] Update on bottle lamb

Thought I would share some experiences with the bottle lamb since I last 
posted (6/23). We successfully reintroduced the lamb to the herd at 7 days 
old. We would go down to the barn every 4 hours and feed, but otherwise we 
were hands-off. She adapted well and appears to be only slightly smaller 
than her sister. We went through a couple of bouts with scours (cut milk 
concentration ~50% and pepto then slowly increased milk concentration) and 
survived. The lamb will be 7 weeks old on 8/5. She currently gets a bottle 
of full strength replacer milk every 8 hours and drinks about 15 ounces in 
3 minutes flat. She eats grain, hay and grass with the other 9 lambs and 
acts like a sheep - except that she actually comes when we call her and is 
not afraid of the family dog (the dog normally licks the excess milk from 
the lamb's face).  Its getting close to time to wean and we are thinking of 
trying to reduce the feedings to every 12 hours for about a week and then go

to once a day for about a week before stopping the bottle. Any suggestions?

John Carlton
Double J Farms
Spanish Fort, Alabama

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