hello everyone!

the short planning cycle is in full swing with lots of modifications since last week - here is what will happen as of now:

June 10th plus or minus - the EstesPark meeting canceled - instead I will be picking up animals in Texas going to KansasCity area - then I pick up animals in AR and TN going to Syracuse NY for export to Canada - from Syracuse I may swing into VT before heading south toward KY and back to TX - end of TX NY TX limo trip

starting about June 27th I head for the east coast KY/VA area picking up any animals along the way that need to go east - in VA I pick up a large load going west to MI - I am full up! - no room unless the animals unload before MI

from the MI stop I continue on west to OR/WA via a MO KS SD MT ID zig zag route - I AM FULL! NO ROOM FOR ANY RIDERS NOT PRESENTLY ON THE ITINERARY!

after arriving on the west coast I pick up animals needing to come back east or south - not a definite route yet - plenty of room!

if you have animals needing to move along this general route please get
with me ASAP!!

I always need pick up city/state, drop off city/state,
and a brief description of the animals in every email please

I do not monitor the groups closely so please reply directly
to my private email address at rkee...@realtime.net



Ron and Corgi co-pilots Tina and Jeremy (AKC)
operating from a base near Austin TX

Ask about TravelWithRonK PremierLimo service

private email at rkee...@realtime.net
web site at http://TravelWithRonK.com
group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TravelWithRonK

all animals crossing a state line must have vet inspection
papers before they can legally be transported

TravelWithRonK is dedicated to coast to coast transport of
small quantities of small livestock with over 3000 animals
transported in over 10 years of service

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