I'll throw my two cents in.  I listen to my friends, but my bottom line, is my 
vet.  Of course, I trust my vet implicitly.  She has not been wrong on anything 
my animals have ever had wrong, which, gladly has not been alot, but I have had 
weird stuff happen on my farm.  The other nice thing is that she does not 
overcharge, she will talk to me on the phone or email anytime with no charge.  
If there is something happening that she does't fully understand, or if there 
are weird symptoms, she will research it, she will even call vets at the 
universities she knows to consult.  She is in it for the animals.  If I thought 
something were wrong, I call her.  She diagnosed one of my ewes with pregnancy 
toxemia over the phone, just by hearing the symptoms and saved my ewe by doing 
a c-section.  

Believe me, I don't have the money to pay for the vet to come out all the time, 
but, I go with my gut, if I'm worried, I call the vet.  

Nancy L. Johnson
cell: 301 440 4808

----- Original Message -----
From: "Elizabeth Radi" <lizr...@skybeam.com>
To: blackbelly@lists.blackbellysheep.info
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2012 9:01:31 AM
Subject: Re: [Blackbelly] Prolapse

Glad things are going ok.  
I have sodium bicarbonate(baking soda) for years to my goats, since 1997. You 
can get it at the feed store, livestock grade sodium bicarbonate. I also put it 
out free choice for the Katahdins, since they are ruminants.
If I were you, I would not feed molasses.  May throw the rumen off.  They don't 
need it.

Liz Radi
Nubian goats and Katahdin Hair Sheep
Nunn, Colorado

--- meadowskuv...@gmail.com wrote:

From: "R. Natasha Baronas" <meadowskuv...@gmail.com>
To: "blackbelly@lists.blackbellysheep.info"     
Subject: Re: [Blackbelly] Prolapse
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2012 20:40:05 -0700

Today my sheep friend came by again to take a look at my girls, hear my 
concerns, and allay my fears.  Here's the poop:

The Katahdin sheep are not ready to go yet by looking at their udders - they 
have a way to go. The ewe who is prolapsing mildly appears to have multiples by 
their estimation.  I thought she meant twins...no, triplets.  She does see this 
with her ewes who have triplets.  I need to keep an eye on it and make sure it 
doesn't get worse, make sure she walks around a bit more.  She developed a lump 
on her udder - it felt like a testicle of all things.  Her udder is not hot, it 
may be a gland?  She wasn't worried about it.  They noticed that my ewes seemed 
to look a bit bloated and recommended offering baking soda to them, as much as 
they like, to reduce the gas.  I am graining but they thought they looked too 
full for the amount I am giving.  Incidentally, since they have offered it to 
their goats the milk tastes better and the milk fat concentration has 
increased.  They also recommended offering molasses.

This is what has worked for them.  I don't need to call a vet but just keep a 
careful eye on my girlies.  I can't imagine them getting any bigger but if they 
have too much gas from the grain maybe that's why they look so big?  Have any 
of you heard of the baking soda?  What were the results?  Can I overdo the dry 

Thanks for listening and sharing :)


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