On Thu, 2005-04-07 at 19:56 -0500, Dan McGhee wrote:

> I also cannot mentally expand the expression

Can't blame you - that's pretty ugly. I've seen (and written) worse
though, so let's break it down:

The exclamation marks are like a pointer - when you see the notation
!PATHVARIABLE, replace it with the value of $PATHVARIABLE. So if
$PATHVARIABLE was equal to the string "PATH", it would be as if the
following command was used instead (note the exclamation marks are


Of course, the left side of the assignment has a dollar sign next to it,
so that also gets expanded. So now, you have:


That then becomes a simple case of the alternate value syntax, although
the presence of the second colon makes it look a bit more complicated.
Basically, if the variable named before the first colon is set, then it
replaces it with the value after the first colon, which would be the
string ":$PATH".

In short, it takes the variable named in $PATHVARIABLE, and if it's set
to something, prepends a colon.


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