On Mon, 2005-05-02 at 10:38 +1200, Simon Geard wrote:
> On Fri, 2005-04-29 at 21:19 -0600, Dennis J Perkins wrote:
> > I want to try setting up WEP this weekend, so I can only guess.  It
> > looks like you can type "iwconfig ath0 key up" to turn on encryption.
> > Maybe you need to do that after loading the keys.
> > 
> Nope, no effect. From the output of iwevent, it looks like setting a key
> automatically enables security anyway.

Ok, my original plan was to get WEP working first, then move to WPA,
since the former looked simple and the latter required an external
program. Having not succeeded with WEP, I've tried installing
wpa_supplicant, and it's proved much simpler to get working.

The commands I'm now using to startup consist of:

  ifconfig ath0 up
  wpa_supplicant -Bw -iath0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -d -Dmadwifi
  ifconfig ath0 netmask
  route add default gateway metric 1 dev ath0

And the supplicant config includes a generated with the wpa_passphrase
command, something like:

        ssid="My Home"
        #psk="My Passphrase"


Somewhat annoying, I can't use the hex passphrase directly on the AP,
since the software on it only accepts 32 hex digits. But the algorithm
it uses to map a passphrase to a key seems to be standard, so storing
the passphrase in AP works.

Dennis - you said you were going to try setting up WEP over the weekend?
If that proves difficult, you might want to upgrade to WPA anyway, since
it's apparently easier to setup.

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