On Tue, 2005-07-05 at 09:46 +0200, David Ciecierski wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm finishing configuration of a basic local print server / router. My 
> ADSL modem (Sagem Fast 800) uses PPPoE to establish a connection. 
> Somehow I'm missing something in my firewall config: if I do everything 
> as per BLFS book (6.0), I can't even ping anything. Only commenting out 
> the following:
> iptables -P INPUT DROP
> iptables -P OUTPUT DROP
> ...allows me to connect to the net. Can you please point me in the right 
> direction? Do I need to set any rules for eth1? You'll find a short dump 
> of my rc.iptables and ifconfig below.
> I'll be grateful for any suggestions!
> Regards,
> David Ciecierski
> PS: My local net is connected on eth0. eth1 gets created by modem driver.
> ------ /etc/rc.d/rc.iptables

I'm no expect on iptables, but it looks to me like you're blocking all
outgoing packets by default, and not providing any exemptions. Does it
work if you remove only the OUTPUT DROP line?


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