I recently came back from out of town, and when I turned my pc on, it booted up 
without a problem, but when I tried to open i.e., all I could get was my 
homepage address, no homepage. I use i.e. 8, jaws 12, and win 7, but couldn’t 
access the internet.
  I asked my brother to open i.e. and see if my homepage openned, which it did, 
but there was also a pop up about disabling ad ons, so I had him disable ad 
ons. I then had access to the internet, but now when I go to a page, and use my 
down arrow to navigate the page, what I know was 1 simple down arrow to the 
next line, may take 10 down arrows with blanks each click.
  anyone have an idea of how to get the internet page back to the way it was? 
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