I’d say FF13, FF7, and FF15, to start with, of course. I don’t think I’d mind 
your voice at all, and even really like the effects you do to show thoughts and 

> On Jan 21, 2020, at 1:26 PM, CluelessGorilla <cluelessgori...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Jessica:  I have Baldur’s Gate 2 on the list of possible games, which may be 
> up your alley (somehow never got around to playing it when I was younger)
> Devin:  Whew, you’ll be sick of hearing my terrible voice by the time I go 
> through the whole series!  Any in particular?  FF6?
> Justin:  It is for that reason that I debated talking about the controls and 
> gameplay itself as well, the video-game stuff for people who used to play 
> them.  I omitted it due to thinking it would detract from the atmosphere.  
> Planned to talk about that stuff at the conclusion of the videos if that 
> works for everyone.    Mass Effect series would be great because it’s another 
> series I somehow missed out on.  Monkey Island too, I feel like point & 
> clicks would lend themselves to this type of playthrough. Thanks for the 
> feedback
> Hey Shaun:  The name of the channel is Gorilla’s Playthrough.   What he was 
> doing sounds awesome.  I was thinking of doing something similar once I get a 
> couple videos out there and learn this better, have everyone else make the 
> decisions with dialogue 
> Lori:  I’d like to do whatever is in my means  to make it more accessible for 
> anyone
> Robert:  Nitpicks are good it will help me make it better for everyone.  
> Actually my next step was putting it on a podcast.  I have it set up but need 
> to transfer it.  In regards to adding my own commentary, that will be 
> minimal, saved for the end.  When I do I’ll say “back to the game” or 
> something of that nature, to your point.   Thanks for the feedback on the 
> tags, I’ll add it in.
> Paul:  I appreciate that very much, I’ll keep it consistent.  I’ve been 
> choosing titles that I haven’t played before, so we can go through it 
> together, give it more of a fresh feeling.  I started at FF7, and didn’t play 
> any before that.  I played 8, 9, 10, and 15.
> Scott:  Thanks very much.  That would be great.  It took me a long time, due 
> to me learning how to use the video and audio software (I’m a construction 
> guy so bear with me), but also I wanted to make sure I give it my all.

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