There was talk a few years back about someone writing a walkthrough.  Since I cannot find any references to a completed one anywhere, I must assume that for whatever reason, the individual failed to complete the task. I could try doing a simpler one with general guidance on quest completion, but I don't think I have the patience to do things like logging every single possible mob, stat and item in the game. Getting into the mechanics to that extent doesn't interest me, so I won't even promise to take up the task of a truly complete one. I've done a few playthroughs recently, though, and now I have some questions for my fellow AHC lovers. Those who have not completed a playthrough should probably not continue as things may be spoiled below.

Spoiler space.





Last Warning!

If you're down here I assume you've done it at least once.

First, Have I found everything?  This is the completed quest list from my last playthrough -- I've done it with a warrior, a necro, a thief and a priest. I count 33 quests.

1. Pilgrim's Progress (Alexia's pilgrimage to ancient holy sites)

2. A balancing act (unblocking veins and reservoirs in heart of Deepwood)

3. Laying down the law (city guard operation for dealing with bandits)

4. Betrayed (miniquest with city guards as enemies just before fighting the boss)

5. Getting at the heart (the quest to discover the source of trouble in Deepwood)

6. You can lead a horse to water... (quest to retrieve missing workhorse)

7. The good shepherd (find Alexia in graveyard)

8. Stolen from the rich (find Simeon and decide whether to return Nigel's ring or get access to outlaw settlement shop)

9. Time in a bottle (give beggar gold, get "vial of perpetual ..." Beatrice fills with one of several concoctions)

10. Finding the founders (locate all founder headstones in graveyard)

11. Who framed Rogarr Rabgurg? (choose whether to take power to summon specter or free framed goblin for fast travel through mines)

12. The sweet smell of success (find flowers to clear stranglehold vines blocking entrance to Deepwood ruins)

13. Tools of the trade (deliver goblin-made equipment to Jerome the armorer -- follows on from below if you ask to help him again)

14. Test your metal (retrieve 25 iron ingots for Jerome the armorer)

15. Supply lines (resupply general store with raw goods --namely wolf pelts, nightshade plants and gold ore)

16. A house divided (discover evidence of plot against goblin king and put it where he'll find it)

17. No rest for the wicked (quest to discover source of trouble in the graveyard)

18. Family legacy (quest to find key to Adrianus Mausoleum)

19. Trouble sleeping (repair ancient amulet and exorcise spirit haunting the inn)

20. Horsepower (clear path to outlaw settlement)

21. Strange bedfellows (Find Hope's boyfriend

22. predators and prey (choose whether to mark Deepwood wolf dens on map or clear them yourself)

23. The exterminator (thin ranks of goblins in the mines)

24. Ancient evil (help Liam get to artifact in Ulcano mausoleum)

25. A hero's call (overarching quest of the game -- discover source of all attacks besetting Farhaven)

26. The ties that bind (Help Mathias avenge his family)

27. An offer of aid (Offer your services to Farhaven's governor)

28. Reunited (Find and free Wilhelm the miner from goblin prison. Depending on how you do it, Wilhelm can die)

29. Haunted by the past (choose to return ancient elemental stone or keep it)

30. The goblin king and I (quest to discover why the goblins are attacking Farhaven)

31. The slayer (Help Liam and Hope clear out vampire den -- follows on from 21 and 24)

32. Actually love (Find Jerome's apprentice when he runs off to get married)

33. Changing of the guard (Get Wilhelm into the city guard -- follows on from successful completion of 28)

Second, if I remember right, Pilgrim's Progress is the one that grants Alexia the Holy Warrior skill. My priest never got it, and couldn't finish training some skills because of that apparent lack. How does the player get holy warrior? Is it even possible or is it one of those regrettable instances, like with a player thief's inability to pick locks so you must keep Simeon with you when doing thiefly things, in which the mob has an ability the player never gets?


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