I hadn't heard of this, but if we're going to tackle this project, I'd like to 
do it before winter comes again.
So, we may be taking a trip to Menards, Home Depot and the like very soon!


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jennifer Jackson 
  To: blindhandyman@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 7:25 PM
  Subject: Re: [BlindHandyMan] Kitchen Flooring?

  Look into the new cork flooring options. They are supposed to be really good 
for your feet and legs as well as good choices for kitchens. They are also 
warmer both in appearance and on the bare feet than tile. I have also heard 
that they are better for not breaking dishes and the like than your more 
traditional harder surfaces.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Claudia 
  To: blindhandyman@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 7:11 PM
  Subject: [BlindHandyMan] Kitchen Flooring?

  Hi All,

  We're thinking about putting in a new kitchen floor. We have a sort of tile 
  floor, but it's rapidly cracking, corners are breaking off, etc., and I'd 
  like to know what types of flooring people put in their kitchens?
  Would laminate be good or not, since it might be prone to scratching?

  All suggestions would be appreciated!



  Join either of my groups; the first is for visually-impaired women, while 
  the other is for people wishing to discuss homemaking issues.

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