On  7 Feb, Jerome Pansanel wrote:
> > I have been thinking of simply setting up a SF project for just the BODR 
> > project. Now that it is entering the first Linux distribution (Debian), and 

It is advantageous for a project to maintain its own site, which can be
listed as the main page at the SF.  SF is a publicly accessible
archive, which is large, stable, and frequently used.  It probably is a
good place to put your code, if you want it to endure in the public
view, although it is also important not to over-rely on it, because it
is a private corporation with the associated risks.  If a project has
the resources, it should maintain its own separate access points in
addition to those provided by SF, and use old-fashioned conventional
mirror agreements too.

Overall, I think that SF listing is a plus for BODR.

Michael L. Love Ph.D
Department of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry
School of Medicine
Johns Hopkins University
725 N. Wolfe Street
Room 608B WBSB
Baltimore MD 21205-2185

Interoffice Mail: 608B WBSB, SoM

office: 410-614-2267
lab:    410-614-3179
fax:    410-502-6910
cell:   443-824-3451

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