Dear Dmitry,

On Sat, Oct 31, 2009 at 12:47 AM, Dmitry Pavlov <> wrote:
> We (SciTouch LLC) recently published our cheminformatics
> toolkit called Indigo. It consists of five software products:

Congratulations with the GPLv3 release!

> The source code provided contains original implementations
> of many algorithms:

Can you say some words on the data model you are using? Does it
support only molecules, or also protein structures (PDB files)? Is it
based on a simple chemical graph, or doing something more Dietz like?

I am also interesting in how Indigo can interoperate with other Blue
Obelisk components...
Does Indigo:

* support reading and writing of Chemical Markup Language?
* use the Blue Obelisk Data Repository for isotope properties?
* use the Algorithm Dictionary, so that we can GPLv3/C++
implementations of common cheminformatics algorithms?
* have a library of unit tests?

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Kind regards,

Egon Willighagen

Post-doc @ Uppsala University

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