Dear community,

following our transparency process, the board would like to publish its recent budget ranking decisions, to share the projects we decided to invest into.

Apart from those approvals announced individually (e.g. the Madrid Hackfest, or the didacta trade show), the following projects have been approved already, in the order of ranking:

All about LibreOffice portal/dashboard
Marketing role top-up time
Documentation coordinator, half-time
Automated a11y based UI testing
Reference documents comparison
SSDs for prominent QA developers
Cross-platform font/shaping stubs for layout tests
Profile corruption safe-mode ...
FLOSS consulting
Automated Help/Documentation screenshot creation
Improved Format Validity Checks

The following projects have been proposed, but have not made it into the current budgeting round. The board will keep them in the ranking, and will take them into account for further approvals. We encourage all community members to propose budget items to fund via our grant request process form at - thanks a lot for the great suggestions received so far!

Here is the list of pending proposals, in the order of their current ranking:

LibreOffice student training week
Supporting FLOSS projects we make use of
Android Unit Testing
Free office lessons
Always Green Master
Python IDE/SDK tutorial
2 to 3 vids/animations for LibreOffice presentation and promotion
Organize internal ODF congress for IT management/leaders from (local) administrations
Windows UI for Bibisect
Marketing proposal, incl. supervision and travel
Online ads
Checking for DSO dependencies


Florian Effenberger, Executive Director (Geschäftsführer)
Tel: +49 30 5557992-50 | IRC: floeff on Freenode
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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