Hi Bjoern,

Bjoern Michaelsen schrieb:

Suggested new format

But maybe revitalizing Hackfests are an opportunity here. Here is a suggested
new format:

- TDF selects a small of the tenderable topics (6 man days)
- TDF selects a "product owner" for the topic (could be an TDF employee or a
  qualified and motivated TDF member)
- TDF hires 2 certified developers from LibreOffices companies for 3 days each
- TDF offers 2 days "development training" to its members, but also to the
  general community: ideally we select four people for this.
- All are invited to a two day Hackfest.
- Hired consultants are expect to pair program with one of the volunteers on
  each day, with the hired person not distracted by other business and doing
  the main effort with the paired volunteer focusing on learning.
- On each day, one of the hired developers works on the projector of the room,
  allowing other partcipants to the Hackfest to observe and learn.
- Closing the day, each paired team will give a 5-15 minutes lightning talk on
  their progress and challenges over the day. This presentation should be done
  by the paired volunteer to the best of their ability and recorded e.g. by
  TDF staff for publication.
- Rest of the extra booked day should be used for a 1-hour prep Hangouts,
  follow ups and overtime.
- Selected paired volunteers should ideally be 50% certified or uncertified
  developers and at least 25% volunteers active in non-development areas (e.g.
  documentation, l10n ...).
- Beyond this, it will be a "normal" Hackfest allowing others to mix an mingle.

I would like to participate in such a Hackfest. I know, I do not belong to the targeted category of persons, but I want to code, and I could help in testing, whether a tutorial is really suitable for a beginner.

I write here, because I have a suggestion for a topic, where I have noticed, that I don't know enough to understand, what happens in the code:

Topic: How goes the information from the file into the model?

As example I suggest layer handling in Draw, e.g these issues
https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=101218 ODF <draw:layer-set> as a child element of <draw:page> not supported https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=67248 FILEOPEN Layer with reserved name vanishes when changing UI language https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=91829 DRAW: Layout, Controls and Dimension Lines need improvement https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=101242 ODF draw:display and draw:protected attributes of <draw:layer> not supported

Kind regards

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