Dear members,

This is the announcement of the preliminary results of the voting for the
next Board of Directors.
First of all: many thanks to all people who ran for elections!
The number of members who voted is 140, so 64 members did not.
In fact the total amount of eligible voters was 204, therefore 68.6% have

I'd also like to say thanks to all the voters.
Elections are the most significant moment for a member, what let them
differ from anyone else in our community.

With the preliminary results, elected as member of the Board of Directors
are the candidates, in this preference order:
01. Michael Meeks
02. Thorsten Behrens
03. Franklin Weng
04. Daniel Armando Rodriguez
05. Cor Nouws
06. Lothar Becker
07. Jan Holešovský

08. Emiliano Vavassori
09. Nicolas Christener
10. Paolo Vecchi

These results were calculated using the same tooling and rules as usual:
OpenSTV ( -

The above preliminary results are in conflict with § 8 IV of our statutes (, as three candidates -
Michael Meeks, Cor Nouws and Jan Holešovský - have the same affiliation.
The membership committee will discuss with the elected candidates the
options to resolve this conflict, which will likely affect the final
results. We will update the members and the general public on this soon.

Before these results can be final, we have the challenging phase from
2019-12-14, 00:00 CET/UTC+1 (beginning of 14 - tomorrow) until 2019-12-19,
24:00 CET/UTC+1 (end of day 19).
As member you are invited to check your votes as explained after the
voting, and with the anonymous token given at that time. It's only you who
have that token. The results, for all members who voted to verify, are here

In case you think there is any irregularity or if there are other
questions, please contact the Membership Committee as soon as possible, and
anyway no later than 2019-12-19, 24:00 CET/UTC+1 (end of 19), through

For reference, details of the whole election process are in the first
announcement, to be found here:

As Chairman of the Membership Committee, as soon as this conflict will be
resolved, I will ask all elected candidates to officially accept their

I'll send a link to download my output from STV algorithm computation,
together with an infographic I've made to ease its understanding.
I hope to have done a useful job, stay tuned.
Gabriele Ponzo, Chairman of the Membership Committee
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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