Dear Board,

I'm writing to ask you to implement some form of moderation on this mailing

In the last week or so, we have seen participants abusing a [VOTE] thread
and then a director further abusing it to chide the Board Chair for
attempting to stop the abuse. We have seen over-frequent posting. We have
seen content-free hostility expressed to long-established contributors.
We've seen posts making no attempt to find positive content earlier in the
conversation to amplify. While there have been one or two positive
examples, this list has become a case study in a hostile online environment.

Specifically I would ask the Board chair and vice-chair to act to remedy
this situation so that this list becomes a safe place to contribute, and
one where it is safe to make imperfect contributions that can be
collaboratively evolved open-source-style towards better contributions.

Many thanks!

*Simon Phipps*, * Trustee, *The Document Foundation

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